Some concepts from the Theory of Roger Penrose Biosemiosis, holograms, biofotones, biofonones and qbits
"And a possible explanation of how the phenomenon occurs from the consciousness of quantum mechanics is used, not the metaphor of a computer with bits of silicon, but a quantum computer where there are no bit or a zero, but there are And a bit zero, which is directly related to the quantum theory. " Oscar Garcia Castro Castro without fotos2.pdf of the University of Barcelona analyzed aspects of consciousness biosemióticos .. Arises what is the threshold that requires a complex system to allow the establishment triad Pierce?. And raised in response to the cell. It is important to the publication of all the efforts being made by Roger Penrose on the theory of computational nature of the brain, based on the mathematical theorem of Gödel, and the principles of the laws of thermodynamics of Ilya Prigogine chaos. In this article, Oscar Garcia Castro, University of Barcelona manages to introduce the concept of perception from the physics of microtubulina or the cell cytoskeleton. Incorporates concepts biofotones and biofonones. Spoke of the consistency of water and the same order as a vital requirement in this process. Described as a paramecio (living organization) to detect their food (energy) for temperature gradients (information). Roger Penrose's theory allows encourage favorable to a theory of knowledge whose bridge systems are in bio-physical type resonant. "The paramecio is a single-celled organism, which has no nervous system. Sherrington as described without trace of nerves, but the cell structure, the cytoskeleton, can be used to fulfill the duties. The paramecio learns to avoid obstacles, to breed, find food, etc., etc.. Without neurons, learn. " www.humanas.
Open Systems (thermodynamic) and closed (self)
Open systems, are such as physical structures (eg the body) is to say that an open system (body) who is exchanged by its edges: energy, information and materials. However, there is something that does not change, that remains constant in each type or species biotic or prebiotic is your organization (psquis). Francisco Varela (Varela and another, 2003:28) puts it this way: "It was meant by that organization to relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class. Means something to the structure of components and relationships that are specifically doing a particular organization "(eg the nervous system).
Levels, stratums and hierarchies. (Piaget and Simon)
Termodinámicos open systems capable of self and self-regulation, such as those derived from the carbon chemistry have not had a linear history. The systems are very sensitive to the contour, as expressed Prigogine "A remarkable property of these junctions is its sensitivity, the fact that small variations in the type of system will lead to the preferred choice of the two branches (Theory the fork). " (Prigogine: 2004:30). Unicellular to multicellular level there is another level. According to Rolando Garcia developments levels can be explained by two hypotheses Piaget (Garcia, 2000:78). Point a) refers to the stability of the structure within a fuzzy logic. This is a consolidated level, stabilized. Point b) refers to the disruption or instability of the structure that leads to changes in species. It may be the emergence of a new level of organization. To a certain level, other levels act as boundary conditions. The degree of solidarity of the entire ontogénica increases with the depth of the level. According to the Simon Herber respond to biological principles stratification type hierarchical systems: cells, tissues, organs, systems, etc.. Rolando Garcia, however, argues that this position is wrong and what is not appropriate to treat living systems as Chinese boxes, but in complex levels of interaction. Incarnated as a whole, corporizada. "In contrast (with the theory of hierarchy), Philip Anderson wrote in 1972 in an article entitled" more is different "(Grace, 2000:74). The hypothesis that we have been working on the evolution of prebiotic and biotic systems on the basis of structural links is entirely appropriate.
The problem of coupling structures
"What is needed, said Dirac, is a unified theory that combines large scale to small scale." As leaves raised (Prigogine, 2004:100) "The problem is how the world is divided between equipment explainable ... .. or we can talk and the quantum of which we can not talk? How many electrons, atoms or molecules forming a device. " Prigogine is obvious that the problem is introduced in a matter of scale. Unable to deal with the same logic macro and micro. "The transition from quantum to classical dynamic our world is through programs unstable, and thus called Bhor language is actually a common time" (Prigogine, 2004:101). Prigogine noting that we can be closer to what he calls "This demand is evident on a human scale" (Prigogine, 2004:101). It is the human scale which makes the need to understand the peculiarities of the emergence of phenomena pellets, molar or forms. "In other words a time common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of the possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine, 2004:101). With this expression reveals the problem of the method by which we communicate with nature: resonances. It is essential to understand that the development of the Theory of Cognitive Systems resonant we are proposing is a crucial step toward what Ilya Prigogine call the "new partnership" (Prigogine, 2004:112). The problem of the interface between man and nature could be saved through the development of Cognitive Systems resonant. One example that clearly demonstrates the possibility of links on the basis of resonances are: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). It is a magnetic field which overlaps another area of high frequency, that echoes the structure. The result is highly selective resonant fields depending on the type of coupling according to the frequency of a statistical. Spectral lines such as those obtained with the functions of Fuori.
1H NMR experiment. Experiment pulse acquisition
In these figures we can see that the resonance is very precise and selective. The resonant pulse is very specific. We can see clearly the resonance frequencies in nuclear spectra. In these graphs shows the graphic couplings.
Structural coupling in the brain.
"The awareness may be the product of the interaction between the brain and the physical-material essential." In a publication of Alvaro Moreno and Xabier Barandiaran, University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain, it is possible to find very strong arguments on the functioning of the brain-based self-type tuned pulses at different scales to generate granular structures (patterns) . This allows us to continue with the idea firmly on the two types of dynamic micro and macro. "This talk of a micro dynamics of an emerging macro dynamic neuronal functional. The main consequence of this emerging cause is the difficulty of a localization strategy in the study of cognitive processes. " For these authors the Varela thesis on the importance of corporización as an interface with the sensory system is essential and it manifested in this way "Your corporización (Embodiment) and his" lie "(situatedness) makes the dynamics of SN also answer Interactive factors sensomotores arrived in cycles. " It seems that "Some of the neurons that make up the circuits of the CPG (central pattern generator) rhythmic impulses generated by themselves, these neurons are coupled together and with other neurons in the circuit, creating a stable pattern" (attractor). In theory we are developing is clear that the CPG and the merits of its operation is a clear demonstration of neurons connected through micro stable dynamic patterns that engage groups of neurons that express the effect of macro dynamic. This coupling occurs because of structural self resonances. "Several neuromodulators and activity of neurons adjacent to the CPG can cause changes in patterns, acting as selectors attractors according to the needs of the motor body." The excitability of a neuron can vary depending on their metabolic status. Can express different channels, can modulate the kinetics of each of these channels in a manner quite complex. "
Cognitive Systems resonant
"Today the entire world is very clear that the processes of biological and biochemical focus on the nature of the electromagnetic interaction that govern the outside of the atom." / conscience / texts / mesaredondaI_mayo2003.pdf The possibility of resonance in organic systems is due to the nature of the components. The different theories about the physical properties of the wave field have been tested and are not sufficient for analysis in this article. But I dare say that the resonances are not only a physical tool for understanding the phenomenon of cognition but also the emergence of how the cosmos (Rupert Sheldrake, Campos and Mórficos Resonances Mórficas). That is the emergency of the forms are the result of the resonant properties of matter / energy. "The way of communicating with the atoms is through electromagnetic radiation." We can not see directly the colors of sunlight, we need an intermediary to produce such decoding and re-encoding so that the organic system can capture. In these phenomena, it is clear the concept of resonance, in this sense Varela said when referring to the case of color (and other Varela ,1992:194-195) "objectivist this poses considerable problems, which serve to reinforce our argument that the colors that we are not located in a pre-given, but in a world perceived that emerges from our structural coupling " In the same way we talk resonance sound. In this way it is clear that the emerging world is not a pre-existing world andalusia observer, but emerge with him. There are properties in the systems that come into resonance quantum, these become a statistic and then to a macroscopic scale.
The body and the music:
"The effect of resonance is when the guitar is tuned and put your finger on the piece off the sixth string is vibrating, the string vibrates one-fifth of the resonance effect, as the tone of the sixth string the fifth is my piece, which is the fifth note of the string. " (www.monografí When systems resonate diminish the resistance to its minimum value. In the case of fatigue cracks in materials is due to this effect in the frequency associated with the transfer of energy. This effect can cause the collapse of bridges, airplanes, and any piece subjected to mechanical vibrations. Breakage due to fatigue cracks are molecular vibration. Musical practice is one of the best mark the significance of structural coupling. Pelinski Ramon said "The objective of this test is to show how our human beings corporalizados is embedded in our practice and our current musical musical" The Music Experience is a body (brain-body) and preconceptual prerracional. However, there is a body which plays a decisive role in the production of musical meanings are open to natural and social environment. The music is not there in this world. The music depends on the structures of the corporality. The body is the interface that allows the emergence of music as a phenomenon. One thing is the music experience (perception: preconceptual and preracional) and another thing is the knowledge of music as a logical derivation. . We can make a study of music, and school-related Pythagorean. But the music is there as a possibility from a living body. The physical phenomenon resonates in the materiality of the body and emerges as meaning from the psychological. This resonance between the engine that produces music and meaning is produced through the corporality. This is the phenomenon of resonance Cognitive. "The self is immersed in music and the sound environment as perceived by the listener (or given to him)." Pelinski says Ramon. It is the "butterfly effect": a small imbalance that produces a flood of emotions. There is no proportion between the stimulus and response. This condition neurophysiological musical phenomenon that enables the body could have the same basis for the language. Operate as a condition of possibility. Since the perceptual phenomena are prelingüísticos, preconceptual and antepredicativo.
lunes, 19 de enero de 2009
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