The sign as a process that allows the semiosis is part of the fundamental condition of the regulatory process of the whole. The sign consists of the third is in the community. This third party must be construed as closing the transaction semantics of the body. The closure operational infinite present or in the immediate relapse occurs at the level of regulation of the entire community. The entire governing party. We need clearly stated that this is the level of organization of the body.
The sign is a system consisting of three variables. Energy, communication and organization. According to the submissions Prigogine:
Emerging Level (macro)
Molecular Level (micro)
Map Expressión Sign Function Map of Content
The molecular level is the interaction between subject and object, from the properties of these is the statistical and self patterns due to Resonances Quánticas cognitivo. Then there is the structural link to the organization. That raised not reflected the evolving nature of the sign. It is unclear as to reach significant meaning. That is generated as interpreting. This requires talking about the semiotic tools. The instruments allow the semiotic sign is going to be in the formative history of the subject. A single object can be an instrument of semiotic different meanings depending on interpreting the action. The effectiveness of the action is what makes the idea of forming a sign structure. In this sense there are some basic conditions: The chances of the kind of cognition and membership of a particular community center. The possibilities of cognition of the species act as hardware and culture from the EU membership of a particular act as core software, then the body as the site of conflicts in the interface nature guide who will nurture the formation of structures to meanings From corporality located.
Map of the expression MICROSYSTEMS
Function sign Structural coupling RESONANCIAS
Map of content MACROSISTEMAS
SUBSTANCES IN THE SYSTEM that resonates subject-object
Production level of effective action - Resonance pattern
Properties of substances that resonates in the subject-object SYSTEM
DOMAIN OF VALIDITY OF RULE. Comparison with other patterns resonant
The sign is a system consisting of three variables. Energy, communication and organization. According to the submissions Prigogine:
Emerging Level (macro)
Molecular Level (micro)
Map Expressión Sign Function Map of Content
The molecular level is the interaction between subject and object, from the properties of these is the statistical and self patterns due to Resonances Quánticas cognitivo. Then there is the structural link to the organization. That raised not reflected the evolving nature of the sign. It is unclear as to reach significant meaning. That is generated as interpreting. This requires talking about the semiotic tools. The instruments allow the semiotic sign is going to be in the formative history of the subject. A single object can be an instrument of semiotic different meanings depending on interpreting the action. The effectiveness of the action is what makes the idea of forming a sign structure. In this sense there are some basic conditions: The chances of the kind of cognition and membership of a particular community center. The possibilities of cognition of the species act as hardware and culture from the EU membership of a particular act as core software, then the body as the site of conflicts in the interface nature guide who will nurture the formation of structures to meanings From corporality located.
Map of the expression MICROSYSTEMS
Function sign Structural coupling RESONANCIAS
Map of content MACROSISTEMAS
SUBSTANCES IN THE SYSTEM that resonates subject-object
Production level of effective action - Resonance pattern
Properties of substances that resonates in the subject-object SYSTEM
DOMAIN OF VALIDITY OF RULE. Comparison with other patterns resonant
"At present, two areas that have most influenced the academic community are physical models of reality: the quantum-mechanical theory and neurobiology.
The boundaries and fuzzy logic Zadeh said that to explain the phenomena of complex systems through mathematical models, it is necessary to incorporate an approach that takes into account the "blurring of the boundaries. The boundaries do not reflect well demarcated lines but areas, regions of transition. The development of a mathematical respond to changes in terms of fractures, with significant discontinuities, it is necessary to develop knowledge in the Epistemology of Action based on Cognitive Cognitive Resonances Cuánticas. The fuzzy logic introduces uncertainty in its expression. Zadeh (Psicothema 1996. Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 421-429) said, at the University of California, the blur is inherent to the process of knowledge. Knowledge is produced by granulation. Granulation is the process of forming classes and fuzzy response to the limited capacity to store details. From this point of view blur and granulation are consequences of the Quantum Resonance Cognitive and plays a key role in the tolerance for inaccuracy. This mathematical tool will be of vital importance for the development of models that attempt to address the understanding of complex systems (Garcia: 2006), including Complex Cognitive (Garcia 2000). It goes without saying that "the difference between a regular and processor is the brain's ability to process information that blurred." (Zadeh, 1996)
The contribution of Prigogine
The chaos has some laws that are important to keep in mind, such as historical or what Prigogine (Prigogine. 2004:16) called the "arrow of time." The irreversibility of the phenomena that occur in a thermodynamic system. Remember that human societies are thermodynamic systems. Prigogine said "... the notion of chaos requires us to rethink the notion of` laws of nature "(Prigogine. 2004:13). It is necessary to take into account the irreversibility of physical phenomena. "... But what I would like to stress here is the role of chaos at all levels of description of nature, whether the microscopic level, macroscopic or cosmological (Prigogine. 2004:13). "The chaos is the result of instability" (Prigogine. 2004:14).
The concept of irreversibility is essential in biology and in thermodynamics.
To develop an Action Epistemology of Cognitive Systems based on Quantum resonant ideas must be developed which contain the notion of event. The notion of event was removed from the traditional modern science. Because the incident was not a repeatable phenomenon. Status of fundamental science. However, Prigogine argues that events like the birth of the universe or the birth of life are key events in history.
Another idea is to develop a system or structure Dissipative not balance. A system of non-equilibrium is sensitive to their environment and interacting with it, are structures "live" as opposed to the crystal structures that are "dead" and not dissipate energy. Prigogine later said "... I usually say that the material in the balance is blind" (Prigogine. 2004:28). It is the state of equilibrium which is not able to generate new events and new organizations.
Taking a closed system, asylee, this system will eventually reach equilibrium. But if you open the system and allowed to enter streams of energy and matter, the situation changed radically. "By hand, on a macroscopic scale, irreversible phenomena occur, heat flows, chemical reactions that lead to new spatial structures are impossible to perform on the balance, on the other hand molecular chaos (which is not the same as dynamic chaos) is organizes and leads to breakdowns in temporal and spatial symmetries (Prigogine. 2004:28). For example chiral molecules that gave rise to the emergence of life. Another important idea to consider in the development of this epistemology is the point of bifurcation or fork. "The existence of a bifurcation is a historical evolution of the system" (Prigogine. 2004:30). Recall Pasteur said that "life as we are presented is a function of the asymmetry of the universe and a consequence of that fact" (Prigogine. 2004:32-33). Pasteur for the difference between crystals levógiros and dextrógiros was essential to understand the phenomenon of life.
Another important manifestation of non-equilibrium structures of junctions and fuzzy math related structures are associated with Turing. In these structures can be seen very clearly the importance of initial conditions or conditions of possibility.
Finally we want to finish adding the claims Prigogine. "In all these cases we see that the arrow of time is creating structures, we can only speak of the system in non-equilibrium situations. Without long-range correlations due to non-life balance and would not have to fortiri, brain (Prigogine. 2004:36). Prigogine poses Laws chaos in the need for an epistemological development to solve the paradox of time. That is to recognize the creative and constructive irreversible dynamical systems, the proposal of Nobel science prize in 1977 is related to the resonances. Critics Laws of Physics reversible Bhor including classical, Eisntein, Feynman and Hawking and others rescued and Boltzmann's theories related to the second law of thermodynamics. This will be worth the apparatus developed by mathematician Poincaré resonances and respect for differences "Delete divergent Poincaré is an essential step in the revolution of the paradox of time" (Prigogine. 2004:76).
The epistemological problem is the fundamental problem of the interface between mind and matter, that is, how can the communication between man and nature? "In other words, while a common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of a possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine. 2004:101). We argue that such communication is made possible through the Cognitive Cuánticas resonance.
The development of an epistemology that reconceptualice the laws of classical dynamics, which eliminates the reverse concept of time and include ideas related irreversible dynamic structures is essential for the development of a science that integrates the physical birth of the universe, the life of the mind (broadly Umwelt), knowledge (in the broad sense) and of conscience. Prigogine said: "The constructive nature of irreversible dynamic dissipative systems provide the framework to explain the epistemic evolution, relative truth, take the body as lived knowledge, desire as part of science, the arts as an expression of knowledge and biology in construction and permanent change. " Prigogine's contribution to the understanding of the complexity is crucial, his theory suggests a bridge (biophysics), allowing the emergence of explanatory models of Cognitive Complex (García.2006). Indeed, the experiment of Bose-Eisntein that deserved Novel Prize in Physics in 2002 and models of Roger Penrose, author of The Emperor's New Mind, who works in a physical model to explain consciousness from a physical model -mathematical-psychological consequences of these theories are: the chaos theory.
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