Cognitive science seems to be going through a turning point. We have tried to make a theoretical framework that allows incorporating elements that promote greater understanding of cognitive phenomena. This requires moving from the neuron theory as a basis for cognitive neuroscience to the body as the basis of phenomena Biosemióticos. This difference in approach, the paradigm of the neuron to the paradigm of the body, is to develop a theory that integrates some developments of various disciplinary fields. The Quantum Theory of Cognitive resonance is linked to cognitive behavior and recognizes John Samaja, Francisco Varela, Ilya Prigogine, Lynn Margulis, Roger Penrose and Ruper Sheldrake major contributions to the development of an alternative to the realism.
resonances, quantum, cognitive, enactive, biosemiotics, selforganization, autoregulation, fuzzy, environment.
Juan Samaja said: "The substance of the universe there is, then, neither complete inherence (pure unity or pure discontinuity), or total dependence (virgin or pure multiplicity continuity). There is communication, because the universe is made up of communities, ie substances and related agencies on "(John Samaja, 2006, unpublished) The universe may be a similar Symphony. A variety of instruments produce resonances at different frequencies. These resonant sound like a whole in harmony. But we could with a little experience in music recognize the "color" that each instrument contributes to the overall result. But at the same time is possible with a little more experience, recognize the note of any such instrument to vibrate string, wind or percussion. However, there is a huge variety of events that are not noticeable. Just see what your body allows. The universe and its forms are the result of resonances. Earth was generating its own harmony. From the quantum resonances in microsystems to emergencies in ways macrosystems, we can see the similarity between the note, the instrument, the orchestra and the music of these emerging structures. Everything is related to everything. In a harmonious whole.
The origin of cosmic knowledge.
Speaking of the origin of cosmic knowledge means to establish a research program to find answers to the properties and cognitive characteristics of the universe. It is not our intention dwell too much on this point, but without a doubt, this budget creates major paradigm shifts to the origin of Science Knowledge generating real transdiscipline to be addressed in order to generate explanatory models more complex but also more sensitive. Marta Souto (Camillioni: 1996,123). Marta Souto explains how after the Big Bang theory of the universe evolved from one point to different forms of matter and the interactions between them increasingly complex and ends with his proposal for the Teaching of the Group. It is truly wonderful to see the increasing complexity of the cognitive. Another point related to this contribution we can see in The Tree of Knowledge, a work of Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (Varela and another 2003.20-21), Chapter: The organization of living things
What is Biosemiótica?
Juan Samaja Theses claims as "more precisely: that the existence of some form of reality implies a condition of existence as a kind of cognitive production (Samaja, 2006, unpublished) Term coined by Jakob von Uexküll in the 30s of the twentieth century to expand the concept of semiotic expressed by Kant and Peirce. The idea aims Biosemiótica include cognitive processes sígnicos all kinds of living beings. Uexküll argued that it was known that each species could build your own world. Therefore, there are many versions of the world as a species. Not exist prior to a world to discover. From this perspective, the semiotic processes are not exclusively male or anthropocentric, but acknowledges the possibility of knowing through semiotic processes all species. Agencies that are known. Since the single-celled organisms to humans, although this recognize any hierarchy. Why, exactly, what sustains this theory is the importance of different species in development and the variation of the same.
Professor Carlos Blanco Javier Martin of the University of Oviedo ~ cmunoz11/index.html made a contribution on their version of what they interpreted as including biosemiótica by other researchers as Jesper Hoffmeyer and Claus Emmeche G: \ Glossary. de. Carlos. von.der.Becke-biosemiotica-biosemiosis-biosemiotics-biosemio.htm as benchmarks for the development of this research program that includes Artificial Life. . It is important to note the version of Biosemiótica that these two authors mentioned by Professor White is the approach that we share a large part.
What is called Umwelt?
The idea is to Umwelt emerging worlds. It concerns and is related to the definition of Biosemiótica. When we talk about emerging world what we are saying that each species builds, through cognitive processes, their own world based on their potential. Ortega y Gasset said: "I, me and my circumstances" in reference to this position. G: \ INFOAMÉRICA-Jakob von Uexküll.htm can find references to von Uexküll and ideas about Umwelt. In these paragraphs we can see very clearly the position of von Uexküll regarding the potential non-functional mechanistic-of different species: the appropriation of reality on its own terms of perception and relations with an interactive environment that allows such emergency. The reality is a world first, is not given, is not something that is there to be discovered, but a subjective construction conditioned by the environment. It is necessary to emphasize that von Uexküll "the absence of signs is the silence, the loss of meaning and order." The idea of Umwelt as percipiente and perceived environment, enriches the possibilities of development of epistemological theories in cognitive science.
What are some epistemological foundations that support this approach?
Juan Samaja said: "Furthermore, our cells, which make up our tissues and organs that are removed are protozoa, preserved and passed on our body), which means that remain protozoa, but, as determined by its membership it gives a whole, far exceeding its standard of life "(John Samaja, 2006, unpublished) Perhaps the theory Serial Endosimbiótica (SET) from Lynn Margulis is the strongest contribution. We can find a definition on the ETS website: G: \ Endosimbiosis serial - Wikipedia, the encyclopedia libre.htm. The (SET) Serial Endosimbiótica theory holds that, and it is tested for the most part, contradicts the version of evolution that says Darwin's Theory of the evolution of the species. This theory holds that the eukaryotic cell, arises from the symbiotic union of two entities primitive isolated. The structural changes would be fitting. One of the cells located inside the other half to remain favorable and the other is an ally in the host that allows it to improve its functioning. The result is a new organization for self, from which emerged the potential to transform the face of the earth. The trend is not changing, but by symbiotic union. The idea of von Uexküll charged historical dimension to this important discovery by Dr. Lynn Margulis. To this point that the British Royal Society of Sciences has officially recognized the Serial Theory Endosimbiótica and have spoken about it as important biologists Sadin High School of Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). One consequence of the relative importance of the roles played by the genetic code from the Molecular Biology Neodarwinista. This is very clear in the article developed by Max Sandín: (G: \ and Evolution ambiente_ Sociedad_ Artículos_ THE BLIND AND ELEFANTE_ Sadin Dominguez. Symbiotic union occurs as "a possibility"
What is the importance of prebiotics systems at the dawn of the earth?
Viruses and bacteria were the first entities that populated the earth. This process took approximately the first half of the present age of the Earth. To put that number could say 4000 million years ago and there was a true network-based communications between viruses and bacteria ( Ricardo Guerrero Bases Biophysics, Communication, 2005). To highlight the importance of this statement back to Dr Max Sadin of the Faculty of Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Lynn Margulis http://www.uv .es/metode/anuario2001/31_2001. To 4,000 million years ago the first self-organized entities self emerged from the face of the Earth. Slowly and with the initial conditions (lack of oxygen) different "forms" were self-organized self-populating the planet. Possible structural links to increasing and changing forms, creating variations drifts, forks and development. This process lasted for the first 2000 million years. This is what holds the Ph. Dr. Antonio Machado Carrillo, University of La Laguna (Canary Islands). "The oldest fossil stromatolites are revealed 3,500 and 2,700 m found in Australia, photosynthetic organisms." Dr. Antonio Machado Carrillo has an article called the Biosphere Psicoesfera in which conducts a thorough development of the evolution of life on earth from its origins 4560 million years ago. Anything above developed allows us to have an idea of the strength Umwelt involving the records of the first fossil found cyanobacteria originated on the basis of carbon and sulfur between 3500 and 3900 million years. That means that led him to land around 800 million years of evolution from the first chemical compounds to the first bacteria. J. William Schopf of the University of California have discovered fossils of probable fotosintetizadores prokaryotic bacteria in rocks 3,500 million years. It is also important here to rescue the Miller experiment that from the existing elements in the atmosphere has achieved primary organic compounds from simple inorganic processes.
What we call the environment and perceived percipiente?
It is necessary to revisit the issue Biosemiótica. The man is not only the product of the evolution of eukaryotic cells, but its existence would be impossible without the huge amount of microorganisms that work with its existence. (According to the maximum Sadin UAM). Juan Samaja this regard says: "There are still more! Besides these subjects cell (which are part and dependent on the whole organism) there are also many other subjects that are added to the process: they are millions and millions of bacteria that while they feed, play "work" for the irreplaceable whole process, "clearly expresses that it is not possible to think about the complexity of higher organisms outside agencies that allowed the emergence and complexity. See the case of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori percipiente The idea of environment lies in the fact that the Earth has now been modified by the actions of the entities that have participated in that change. In this connection it may be appropriate to recover the proposal Francisco Varela enactivo knowledge. A world that is modified and is known to enacción. The emergence of different levels in the organization of biological entities does emerge different cognitive abilities, knowledge of man, and particularly scientific knowledge, has its roots in many other forms of knowledge. "The summary and conclusion of this long circumlocution is that it is reasonable to design molecules and clusters of cells, individuals, communities and States as a genuine subject of the methods that produce beliefs and, as such, have functions essential for the self of each of these conglomerate "(John Samaja). Jacob von Uexküll in 1934 published a paper called "A walk through the animal world and men illustrated book of invisible worlds." Significantly, the words of the Uexkull Umwelt of the tick. I think this passage clearly expresses the idea of Umwelt and how this leads to a world of signs, sign the Biosemiótica.
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