lunes, 19 de enero de 2009


Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Facultad de Humanidades


Head master: Dra. Roxana Ynub de Samaja



Semiótica evolutiva

Semiotic evolutionary

Prof. Ing. Ramón Oscar Fernández
I.C. N° 13.516.282
Address: Barrio Dr. Montaña calle 17 y 18- Corrientes
Phone Number: 03783-15292743
Job: Docente y Técnico en Economía Social.

Abstract. Cognitive science seems to be going through a turning point. We have tried to make a theoretical framework that allows incorporating elements that promote greater understanding of cognitive phenomena. This requires moving from the neuron theory as a basis for cognitive neuroscience to the body as the basis of phenomena Biosemióticos. This difference in approach, the paradigm of the neuron to the paradigm of the body, is to develop a theory that integrates some developments of various disciplinary fields. The Quantum Theory of Cognitive resonance is linked to cognitive behavior and recognizes John Samaja, Francisco Varela, Ilya Prigogine, Lynn Margulis, Roger Penrose and Ruper Sheldrake major contributions to the development of an alternative to the realism.

Keyword: resonances, quantum, cognitive, enactive, biosemiotics, selforganization, autoregulation, fuzzy, environment.

Introduction: Juan Samaja said: "The substance of the universe there is, then, neither complete inherence (pure unity or pure discontinuity), or total dependence (virgin or pure multiplicity continuity). There is communication, because the universe is made up of communities, ie substances and related agencies on "(John Samaja, 2006, unpublished) The universe may be a similar Symphony. A variety of instruments produce resonances at different frequencies. These resonant sound like a whole in harmony. But we could with a little experience in music recognize the "color" that each instrument contributes to the overall result. But at the same time is possible with a little more experience, recognize the note of any such instrument to vibrate string, wind or percussion. However, there is a huge variety of events that are not noticeable. Just see what your body allows. The universe and its forms are the result of resonances. Earth was generating its own harmony. From the quantum resonances in microsystems to emergencies in ways macrosystems, we can see the similarity between the note, the instrument, the orchestra and the music of these emerging structures. Everything is related to everything. In a harmonious whole.

BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO BIOSEMIÓTICA. The origin of cosmic knowledge.
Speaking of the origin of cosmic knowledge means to establish a research program to find answers to the properties and cognitive characteristics of the universe. It is not our intention dwell too much on this point, but without a doubt, this budget creates major paradigm shifts to the origin of Science Knowledge generating real transdiscipline to be addressed in order to generate explanatory models more complex but also more sensitive. Marta Souto (Camillioni: 1996,123). Marta Souto explains how after the Big Bang theory of the universe evolved from one point to different forms of matter and the interactions between them increasingly complex and ends with his proposal for the Teaching of the Group. It is truly wonderful to see the increasing complexity of the cognitive. Another point related to this contribution we can see in The Tree of Knowledge, a work of Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (Varela and another 2003.20-21), Chapter: The organization of living things

What is Biosemiótica? Juan Samaja Theses claims as "more precisely: that the existence of some form of reality implies a condition of existence as a kind of cognitive production (Samaja, 2006, unpublished) Term coined by Jakob von Uexküll in the 30s of the twentieth century to expand the concept of semiotic expressed by Kant and Peirce. The idea aims Biosemiótica include cognitive processes sígnicos all kinds of living beings. Uexküll argued that it was known that each species could build your own world. Therefore, there are many versions of the world as a species. Not exist prior to a world to discover. From this perspective, the semiotic processes are not exclusively male or anthropocentric, but acknowledges the possibility of knowing through semiotic processes all species. Agencies that are known. Since the single-celled organisms to humans, although this recognize any hierarchy. Why, exactly, what sustains this theory is the importance of different species in development and the variation of the same.
Professor Carlos Blanco Javier Martin of the University of Oviedo ~ cmunoz11/index.html made a contribution on their version of what they interpreted as including biosemiótica by other researchers as Jesper Hoffmeyer and Claus Emmeche G: \ Glossary. de. Carlos. von.der.Becke-biosemiotica-biosemiosis-biosemiotics-biosemio.htm as benchmarks for the development of this research program that includes Artificial Life. . It is important to note the version of Biosemiótica that these two authors mentioned by Professor White is the approach that we share a large part.

What is called Umwelt? The idea is to Umwelt emerging worlds. It concerns and is related to the definition of Biosemiótica. When we talk about emerging world what we are saying that each species builds, through cognitive processes, their own world based on their potential. Ortega y Gasset said: "I, me and my circumstances" in reference to this position. G: \ INFOAMÉRICA-Jakob von Uexküll.htm can find references to von Uexküll and ideas about Umwelt. In these paragraphs we can see very clearly the position of von Uexküll regarding the potential non-functional mechanistic-of different species: the appropriation of reality on its own terms of perception and relations with an interactive environment that allows such emergency. The reality is a world first, is not given, is not something that is there to be discovered, but a subjective construction conditioned by the environment. It is necessary to emphasize that von Uexküll "the absence of signs is the silence, the loss of meaning and order." The idea of Umwelt as percipiente and perceived environment, enriches the possibilities of development of epistemological theories in cognitive science.

What are some epistemological foundations that support this approach? Juan Samaja said: "Furthermore, our cells, which make up our tissues and organs that are removed are protozoa, preserved and passed on our body), which means that remain protozoa, but, as determined by its membership it gives a whole, far exceeding its standard of life "(John Samaja, 2006, unpublished) Perhaps the theory Serial Endosimbiótica (SET) from Lynn Margulis is the strongest contribution. We can find a definition on the ETS website: G: \ Endosimbiosis serial - Wikipedia, the encyclopedia libre.htm. The (SET) Serial Endosimbiótica theory holds that, and it is tested for the most part, contradicts the version of evolution that says Darwin's Theory of the evolution of the species. This theory holds that the eukaryotic cell, arises from the symbiotic union of two entities primitive isolated. The structural changes would be fitting. One of the cells located inside the other half to remain favorable and the other is an ally in the host that allows it to improve its functioning. The result is a new organization for self, from which emerged the potential to transform the face of the earth. The trend is not changing, but by symbiotic union. The idea of von Uexküll charged historical dimension to this important discovery by Dr. Lynn Margulis. To this point that the British Royal Society of Sciences has officially recognized the Serial Theory Endosimbiótica and have spoken about it as important biologists Sadin High School of Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). One consequence of the relative importance of the roles played by the genetic code from the Molecular Biology Neodarwinista. This is very clear in the article developed by Max Sandín: (G: \ and Evolution ambiente_ Sociedad_ Artículos_ THE BLIND AND ELEFANTE_ Sadin Dominguez. Symbiotic union occurs as "a possibility"

What is the importance of prebiotics systems at the dawn of the earth? Viruses and bacteria were the first entities that populated the earth. This process took approximately the first half of the present age of the Earth. To put that number could say 4000 million years ago and there was a true network-based communications between viruses and bacteria ( Ricardo Guerrero Bases Biophysics, Communication, 2005). To highlight the importance of this statement back to Dr Max Sadin of the Faculty of Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and Lynn Margulis http://www.uv .es/metode/anuario2001/31_2001. To 4,000 million years ago the first self-organized entities self emerged from the face of the Earth. Slowly and with the initial conditions (lack of oxygen) different "forms" were self-organized self-populating the planet. Possible structural links to increasing and changing forms, creating variations drifts, forks and development. This process lasted for the first 2000 million years. This is what holds the Ph. Dr. Antonio Machado Carrillo, University of La Laguna (Canary Islands). "The oldest fossil stromatolites are revealed 3,500 and 2,700 m found in Australia, photosynthetic organisms." Dr. Antonio Machado Carrillo has an article called the Biosphere Psicoesfera in which conducts a thorough development of the evolution of life on earth from its origins 4560 million years ago. Anything above developed allows us to have an idea of the strength Umwelt involving the records of the first fossil found cyanobacteria originated on the basis of carbon and sulfur between 3500 and 3900 million years. That means that led him to land around 800 million years of evolution from the first chemical compounds to the first bacteria. J. William Schopf of the University of California have discovered fossils of probable fotosintetizadores prokaryotic bacteria in rocks 3,500 million years. It is also important here to rescue the Miller experiment that from the existing elements in the atmosphere has achieved primary organic compounds from simple inorganic processes.

What we call the environment and perceived percipiente? It is necessary to revisit the issue Biosemiótica. The man is not only the product of the evolution of eukaryotic cells, but its existence would be impossible without the huge amount of microorganisms that work with its existence. (According to the maximum Sadin UAM). Juan Samaja this regard says: "There are still more! Besides these subjects cell (which are part and dependent on the whole organism) there are also many other subjects that are added to the process: they are millions and millions of bacteria that while they feed, play "work" for the irreplaceable whole process, "clearly expresses that it is not possible to think about the complexity of higher organisms outside agencies that allowed the emergence and complexity. See the case of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori percipiente The idea of environment lies in the fact that the Earth has now been modified by the actions of the entities that have participated in that change. In this connection it may be appropriate to recover the proposal Francisco Varela enactivo knowledge. A world that is modified and is known to enacción. The emergence of different levels in the organization of biological entities does emerge different cognitive abilities, knowledge of man, and particularly scientific knowledge, has its roots in many other forms of knowledge. "The summary and conclusion of this long circumlocution is that it is reasonable to design molecules and clusters of cells, individuals, communities and States as a genuine subject of the methods that produce beliefs and, as such, have functions essential for the self of each of these conglomerate "(John Samaja). Jacob von Uexküll in 1934 published a paper called "A walk through the animal world and men illustrated book of invisible worlds." Significantly, the words of the Uexkull Umwelt of the tick. I think this passage clearly expresses the idea of Umwelt and how this leads to a world of signs, sign the Biosemiótica.

Enactivo knowledge or cognitive effective action. The action is the result of learning a set of transactions that occur between the body and the environment. This action depends on the overall state of the system. Of the many stimuli in the environment, the body is coupled with structural strength to those who are more unbalanced. This is not the only environmental or external, depends on the internal state of the particular system. The same atmosphere (as niche) influence in different ways in the body present. Hunger, thirst, sex, among others, allow the emergence of the self and self-regulation in the body that carried the body to effectively a new state of equilibrium. The development activities will depend on the possibilities inherent to the species: if a paramecio, a gibbon or a human being. The actions are linked to cognitive actions and the actions perceptual motor perceptually guided. Taking the idea that knowledge builds on Francisco Varela enactivo, we'll see what he proposes as "embodied knowledge." (Francisco Varela, 1991:18)

1 - cognition depends on the type of experience that comes from having a body with multiple sensory-motor skills and 2 - sensory-motor skills these individuals are housed in turn in a larger cultural and biological
Francisco Varela in the book "This Body, (Gedisa, 1992:203) says" ... no enactivo The approach seeks to determine how it recovers a world independent of the recipient but to determine the common principles of legal linkage between the sensory and motor systems that explain how action can be perceptually guided in a world dependent on the beneficiary, "this sentence will be crucial for developing the theory of Quantum Resonance Theory of Cognitive we are developing. The approach enactivo reminds us of the beautiful Machado phrase "no walking paths, is the way to go." "The emergence of cognition is a world history through a viable structural coupling" (Varela, 1992:238) for each species: epigenesis. Later Varela says the condition of feasibility about the ontogeny and phylogeny. Francisco Varela's approach seems to be related body and knowledge of life and hence knowledge. It seems appropriate at this time to recover the contributions of Piaget (Piaget, 1979:91) to the problem we are proposing. The author argues that knowledge is directly related to the body and this in turn is consistent with the development of epigenetic system, ie the different cognitive levels of intracellular, intercellular, tissues, organs, as already ahead Juan Samaja above. . We must recognize that in this work Piaget produces a valuable contribution to recognize the existence of somatic levels of integration and communication between them. It also argues that the changes that produce the variations are the result of changes in the deepest levels. This creates the pattern of the standards of the most profound and communication systems with the other levels. The problem of the mind In the book of Dr. Martin Wainstein (Wainstein, 2006:94) Bateson produces quite a junction with the concepts previously worked in body hierarchical levels, subsystems, which tend to maintain a balance self. It is clear that the concept of mind Bateson looks like the concept of Umwelt von Uexküll. It is the embodied mind. Corporizada mind. Also the contribution of Kenneth J. Gergen (K. Gergen, 1994:212) says:
... .. The whole experience is a mental condition ... ... ..

"A complex system is a representation of a cut of that reality, conceptualized as an organized whole (hence the name system), in which the elements are not separable," and therefore can not be studied in isolation "
What is the appropriate methodology for the study of complex cognitive system? Rolando Garcia argues (Garcia, 2000.40) "will use the term" complex cognitive "to refer to the whole set of all components of this highly heterogeneous. Garcia (Garcia, 2007.21) defines a complex system:
We began to see that the problem of knowledge is not possible to separate mind-body experience. This conclusion Garcia "and therefore can not be studied in isolation" We clarified that it is not possible to study the phenomenology of the body structure in isolation, nor those of the physical phenomena which links the structures extrinsic / intrinsic. We interpret our original thesis about the unity of complex minimum-energy-Communication Organization in cognitive systems, they constitute a complex system.

Is there a relationship between self systems, and self-Systems? Garcia Systems for Complex systems are self and self. From the perspective of the school in Brussels and the Organized Chaos Theory, we can recognize self systems in chemical systems and the sensitivity of such systems to initial conditions, developed on the laws of deterministic chaos, and valid for open systems away from the equilibrium conditions. Chaos Theory Generalized deepens its concepts leading to systems prebiotics-biotic and social. We can also observe certain forms of self-Euclidean not like the weather or catastrophic events. Here is an important contribution in developing the theory of catastrophes Rene Thom and mathematics of fractal morphic resonance Rupert Sheldrake. In this regard, the methodology of the Complex Systems acquires strategic importance in the study of complex cognitive from the perspective of self and self systems as open systems away from thermodynamic equilibrium. In this sense the removal of entropy (negentropia) means the contribution of order. The order could autogenerarse from certain properties of systems based on quantum resonances.

SEMIOTICA EVOLUTIONARY Throughout the work we have built on the idea of evolutionary feature semiosis. But it has not yet been reflected what would be the model that should take the sign to reflect this situation. Since the various proposals only reveal the status of the sign at the time of stability. To do this, if we take the view Carlos Cossio. Or Saussure, Pierce, and so on. we will see in the list but only three elements to improve this assessment is necessary to the thought of John Samaja. But Juan Samaja produced a new model in the form of the sign reveals its evolutionary status. I think this deserves special attention because it puts us in front of a model that fits with what we have had previously. Ayudémonos with an image that takes into account some of the key levels of integration that we can imagine the reality as we present:

Civil Society

Society Policy (State)


Cultural Community



The diagram is trying to say that the higher levels (metaphorically speaking) are erected on the lower. At the same time, attempts to express the idea that the level never further depletes the bottom (of the floods there side). If the calls are lower levels earlier in time and are, somehow, the last of the above, reveals that two-way effect the past is still present: 1. because not all the lower level is captured and colonized by the superior and 2. because what is subsumed, it is not annihilated, as preserved and remains active within the level of integration that subsumes. We can say that the "debt to the past" is far from a "debt" with dead people. Returning for a few seconds to the issues that we try to talk about food. If protozoa are the subjects of previous levels of integration to metazoa, then, is still easy to recognize that protozoa in the world and who are our contemporaries. And to top it! It is also true that the mass of living protozoa is across the Earth, most important (quantitatively speaking) that the mass metazoa. Furthermore, our cells, which make up our tissues and organs that are removed are protozoa, preserved and passed on our body), which means that remain protozoa, but, as determined by its membership gives you a whole Now, its higher standard of existence. In a chart could look like this:



copresentes (Constituent)

Bacteria (protozarios) that are outside the rectangle of metazoa are, so to speak, in a relationship with the co-presence metazoa. But cells (also protozoa) that are within the rectangle, forming a constituent part of the metazoa: are "cells" and are subject certain regulated by their integration into all organismic. Well, just as there are living outside the unicellular organism (co) and cells that are part of it (constituents), there were insights of science and insights into science, there were traditions of science and traditions that are part it, there are metaphysical outside (and against) the science and metaphysics in science. This statement can be displayed in the diagram above as follows:

Sociedad Civil Investigación
(eficacia) científica

Sociedad Política (Estado) Científica

Comunidad Cultural Tradiciones
(tradición oral) científicas

Bio-Comunidad imitaciones
(percepción/mímesis) científicas

Organismos intuiciones (percepción) científicas

This chart allows us to "see" the sign of which way is the product of evolution and this allows us to talk about as Semiotic evolutionary process. It is important to note that the process occurs Semiotic with the clear objective of conduct to guide the action from the body and located lived. Knowledge is "enactivo. However, I can take another contribution of Juan Samaja which immediately shows the process of semiotic.

Third proposal: express a dialectical theory of the sign. The most basic features that can articulate a concept of dialectics (as re-German philosophy with the contributions of Kant, Fichte, Humboldt, Hegel, Marx, Dilthey, Bertalanffy, Habermas, Gadamer, Apel, etc..) Expressed two inseparable concepts: 1. organismic conception, and 2. historical dialectical conception. Organismic conception develops the concept of "agency" (or "full relational regulated") as a synthesis between the permanence of the substance (or subsistence), and the change of change caulsaes. The notion of body as a synthesis between the substance and the relations or relativism, between the substance / accident and the cause / effect. The category of "body" is determined by entities such as the assertion that achieve real and its inherent stability through the ceaseless change. By the imbalance and the continuing transformation of both their constituents and their structural forms. Piaget, in the tradition of the body Bertalanffy called "closed systems in terms of cycles, but open in the middle." Historical dialectical conception of history develops the concept of training or practice as a historical summary of the new production and reproduction of the same and, by recognizing the contradictions and conflicts that arise from the proliferation of reproductive currently effective against validity of the limits placed by the boundary conditions of the given, and the transition to new forms of partnership or reconfiguration productive. The mechanism that defines the transformation of production driven by the performance (= performances) is described by the reproductive category of solidarity and Aufhebung the immediacy of return. Both concepts applied to the analysis of the sign, the following conclusions: 1. Semiotic process could not be conceived or only as a substance or only as a form, but also and primarily as a historical evolution, ie a substance that has come into existence and is relatively stable with a flow incessant changes over which they form and transform relations between its components, leading to complex structural and functional hierarchies that define each time, their actions (performance: tokens); jurisdiction (destination: types) and their reproductive cycles (ie, its canonical narrative or method of production / reproduction). 2. The theory of the sign in its original wording (such as those of Peirce and F. de Saussure) only focused elements of the structure of the performance (= surface structure: represent / object / interpreting), and was added without an explicit rationale, other elements of the deep structure (of the competition and the production / reproduction), a dialectic of the sign makers have to add to its analytical dimension triadic (or performance), a dynamic dimension, also triadic (competition, referring to the classification of the signifier, the meaning and purpose of the classification competition Intérprete to associate some sort of expression with some other kind of content) and, finally, a dimension of epigenetic mark, also triadic (or history of the mode of production / playback). 3. The last of the substrate is semiotic processes, then, as all historical and operational training or as a mode of being Narrative, and thus hermeneutic, and involves not only a semiotic interpretation of man but of all reality, designed as a material universe-causal-representational. A first formal display device that shows the basic components of semiosis are a total of nine. But this amount does not invalidate the traditional argument about the nature of the triadic sign, but it reaffirms once the systematising enriches this structure as the product of two axes or dimensions: a static dimension, a dimension and a dynamic dimension epigenetics. The following chart shows the results of this new organization and categorization. :











Production and playback. CAST OF THE COMMUNITY. Logic function of the ENTIRE


The sign as a process and function. The sign as a process that allows the semiosis is part of the fundamental condition of the regulatory process of the whole. The sign consists of the third is in the community. This third party must be construed as closing the transaction semantics of the body. The closure operational infinite present or in the immediate relapse occurs at the level of regulation of the entire community. The entire governing party. We need clearly stated that this is the level of organization of the body.

The sign is a system consisting of three variables. Energy, communication and organization. According to the submissions Prigogine:

Emerging Level (macro)

Molecular Level (micro)


Map Expressión Sign Function Map of Content

The molecular level is the interaction between subject and object, from the properties of these is the statistical and self patterns due to Resonances Quánticas cognitivo. Then there is the structural link to the organization. That raised not reflected the evolving nature of the sign. It is unclear as to reach significant meaning. That is generated as interpreting. This requires talking about the semiotic tools. The instruments allow the semiotic sign is going to be in the formative history of the subject. A single object can be an instrument of semiotic different meanings depending on interpreting the action. The effectiveness of the action is what makes the idea of forming a sign structure. In this sense there are some basic conditions: The chances of the kind of cognition and membership of a particular community center. The possibilities of cognition of the species act as hardware and culture from the EU membership of a particular act as core software, then the body as the site of conflicts in the interface nature guide who will nurture the formation of structures to meanings From corporality located.

Map of the expression MICROSYSTEMS

Function sign Structural coupling RESONANCIAS

Map of content MACROSISTEMAS


SUBSTANCES IN THE SYSTEM that resonates subject-object

Production level of effective action - Resonance pattern



Properties of substances that resonates in the subject-object SYSTEM

DOMAIN OF VALIDITY OF RULE. Comparison with other patterns resonant





TOWARDS A THEORY OF COGNITIVE RESONANCE CUÁNTICA (Author) "At present, two areas that have most influenced the academic community are physical models of reality: the quantum-mechanical theory and neurobiology.

The boundaries and fuzzy logic Zadeh said that to explain the phenomena of complex systems through mathematical models, it is necessary to incorporate an approach that takes into account the "blurring of the boundaries. The boundaries do not reflect well demarcated lines but areas, regions of transition. The development of a mathematical respond to changes in terms of fractures, with significant discontinuities, it is necessary to develop knowledge in the Epistemology of Action based on Cognitive Cognitive Resonances Cuánticas. The fuzzy logic introduces uncertainty in its expression. Zadeh (Psicothema 1996. Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 421-429) said, at the University of California, the blur is inherent to the process of knowledge. Knowledge is produced by granulation. Granulation is the process of forming classes and fuzzy response to the limited capacity to store details. From this point of view blur and granulation are consequences of the Quantum Resonance Cognitive and plays a key role in the tolerance for inaccuracy. This mathematical tool will be of vital importance for the development of models that attempt to address the understanding of complex systems (Garcia: 2006), including Complex Cognitive (Garcia 2000). It goes without saying that "the difference between a regular and processor is the brain's ability to process information that blurred." (Zadeh, 1996)

The contribution of Prigogine The chaos has some laws that are important to keep in mind, such as historical or what Prigogine (Prigogine. 2004:16) called the "arrow of time." The irreversibility of the phenomena that occur in a thermodynamic system. Remember that human societies are thermodynamic systems. Prigogine said "... the notion of chaos requires us to rethink the notion of` laws of nature "(Prigogine. 2004:13). It is necessary to take into account the irreversibility of physical phenomena. "... But what I would like to stress here is the role of chaos at all levels of description of nature, whether the microscopic level, macroscopic or cosmological (Prigogine. 2004:13). "The chaos is the result of instability" (Prigogine. 2004:14). The concept of irreversibility is essential in biology and in thermodynamics. To develop an Action Epistemology of Cognitive Systems based on Quantum resonant ideas must be developed which contain the notion of event. The notion of event was removed from the traditional modern science. Because the incident was not a repeatable phenomenon. Status of fundamental science. However, Prigogine argues that events like the birth of the universe or the birth of life are key events in history. Another idea is to develop a system or structure Dissipative not balance. A system of non-equilibrium is sensitive to their environment and interacting with it, are structures "live" as opposed to the crystal structures that are "dead" and not dissipate energy. Prigogine later said "... I usually say that the material in the balance is blind" (Prigogine. 2004:28). It is the state of equilibrium which is not able to generate new events and new organizations. Taking a closed system, asylee, this system will eventually reach equilibrium. But if you open the system and allowed to enter streams of energy and matter, the situation changed radically. "By hand, on a macroscopic scale, irreversible phenomena occur, heat flows, chemical reactions that lead to new spatial structures are impossible to perform on the balance, on the other hand molecular chaos (which is not the same as dynamic chaos) is organizes and leads to breakdowns in temporal and spatial symmetries (Prigogine. 2004:28). For example chiral molecules that gave rise to the emergence of life. Another important idea to consider in the development of this epistemology is the point of bifurcation or fork. "The existence of a bifurcation is a historical evolution of the system" (Prigogine. 2004:30). Recall Pasteur said that "life as we are presented is a function of the asymmetry of the universe and a consequence of that fact" (Prigogine. 2004:32-33). Pasteur for the difference between crystals levógiros and dextrógiros was essential to understand the phenomenon of life. Another important manifestation of non-equilibrium structures of junctions and fuzzy math related structures are associated with Turing. In these structures can be seen very clearly the importance of initial conditions or conditions of possibility. Finally we want to finish adding the claims Prigogine. "In all these cases we see that the arrow of time is creating structures, we can only speak of the system in non-equilibrium situations. Without long-range correlations due to non-life balance and would not have to fortiri, brain (Prigogine. 2004:36). Prigogine poses Laws chaos in the need for an epistemological development to solve the paradox of time. That is to recognize the creative and constructive irreversible dynamical systems, the proposal of Nobel science prize in 1977 is related to the resonances. Critics Laws of Physics reversible Bhor including classical, Eisntein, Feynman and Hawking and others rescued and Boltzmann's theories related to the second law of thermodynamics. This will be worth the apparatus developed by mathematician Poincaré resonances and respect for differences "Delete divergent Poincaré is an essential step in the revolution of the paradox of time" (Prigogine. 2004:76). The epistemological problem is the fundamental problem of the interface between mind and matter, that is, how can the communication between man and nature? "In other words, while a common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of a possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine. 2004:101). We argue that such communication is made possible through the Cognitive Cuánticas resonance. The development of an epistemology that reconceptualice the laws of classical dynamics, which eliminates the reverse concept of time and include ideas related irreversible dynamic structures is essential for the development of a science that integrates the physical birth of the universe, the life of the mind (broadly Umwelt), knowledge (in the broad sense) and of conscience. Prigogine said: "The constructive nature of irreversible dynamic dissipative systems provide the framework to explain the epistemic evolution, relative truth, take the body as lived knowledge, desire as part of science, the arts as an expression of knowledge and biology in construction and permanent change. " Prigogine's contribution to the understanding of the complexity is crucial, his theory suggests a bridge (biophysics), allowing the emergence of explanatory models of Cognitive Complex (García.2006). Indeed, the experiment of Bose-Eisntein that deserved Novel Prize in Physics in 2002 and models of Roger Penrose, author of The Emperor's New Mind, who works in a physical model to explain consciousness from a physical model -mathematical-psychological consequences of these theories are: the chaos theory.

Some concepts from the Theory of Roger Penrose Biosemiosis, holograms, biofotones, biofonones and qbits "And a possible explanation of how the phenomenon occurs from the consciousness of quantum mechanics is used, not the metaphor of a computer with bits of silicon, but a quantum computer where there are no bit or a zero, but there are And a bit zero, which is directly related to the quantum theory. " Oscar Garcia Castro Castro without fotos2.pdf of the University of Barcelona analyzed aspects of consciousness biosemióticos .. Arises what is the threshold that requires a complex system to allow the establishment triad Pierce?. And raised in response to the cell. It is important to the publication of all the efforts being made by Roger Penrose on the theory of computational nature of the brain, based on the mathematical theorem of Gödel, and the principles of the laws of thermodynamics of Ilya Prigogine chaos. In this article, Oscar Garcia Castro, University of Barcelona manages to introduce the concept of perception from the physics of microtubulina or the cell cytoskeleton. Incorporates concepts biofotones and biofonones. Spoke of the consistency of water and the same order as a vital requirement in this process. Described as a paramecio (living organization) to detect their food (energy) for temperature gradients (information). Roger Penrose's theory allows encourage favorable to a theory of knowledge whose bridge systems are in bio-physical type resonant. "The paramecio is a single-celled organism, which has no nervous system. Sherrington as described without trace of nerves, but the cell structure, the cytoskeleton, can be used to fulfill the duties. The paramecio learns to avoid obstacles, to breed, find food, etc., etc.. Without neurons, learn. " www.humanas.

Open Systems (thermodynamic) and closed (self) Open systems, are such as physical structures (eg the body) is to say that an open system (body) who is exchanged by its edges: energy, information and materials. However, there is something that does not change, that remains constant in each type or species biotic or prebiotic is your organization (psquis). Francisco Varela (Varela and another, 2003:28) puts it this way: "It was meant by that organization to relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class. Means something to the structure of components and relationships that are specifically doing a particular organization "(eg the nervous system).

Levels, stratums and hierarchies. (Piaget and Simon) Termodinámicos open systems capable of self and self-regulation, such as those derived from the carbon chemistry have not had a linear history. The systems are very sensitive to the contour, as expressed Prigogine "A remarkable property of these junctions is its sensitivity, the fact that small variations in the type of system will lead to the preferred choice of the two branches (Theory the fork). " (Prigogine: 2004:30). Unicellular to multicellular level there is another level. According to Rolando Garcia developments levels can be explained by two hypotheses Piaget (Garcia, 2000:78). Point a) refers to the stability of the structure within a fuzzy logic. This is a consolidated level, stabilized. Point b) refers to the disruption or instability of the structure that leads to changes in species. It may be the emergence of a new level of organization. To a certain level, other levels act as boundary conditions. The degree of solidarity of the entire ontogénica increases with the depth of the level. According to the Simon Herber respond to biological principles stratification type hierarchical systems: cells, tissues, organs, systems, etc.. Rolando Garcia, however, argues that this position is wrong and what is not appropriate to treat living systems as Chinese boxes, but in complex levels of interaction. Incarnated as a whole, corporizada. "In contrast (with the theory of hierarchy), Philip Anderson wrote in 1972 in an article entitled" more is different "(Grace, 2000:74). The hypothesis that we have been working on the evolution of prebiotic and biotic systems on the basis of structural links is entirely appropriate.

The problem of coupling structures "What is needed, said Dirac, is a unified theory that combines large scale to small scale." As leaves raised (Prigogine, 2004:100) "The problem is how the world is divided between equipment explainable ... .. or we can talk and the quantum of which we can not talk? How many electrons, atoms or molecules forming a device. " Prigogine is obvious that the problem is introduced in a matter of scale. Unable to deal with the same logic macro and micro. "The transition from quantum to classical dynamic our world is through programs unstable, and thus called Bhor language is actually a common time" (Prigogine, 2004:101). Prigogine noting that we can be closer to what he calls "This demand is evident on a human scale" (Prigogine, 2004:101). It is the human scale which makes the need to understand the peculiarities of the emergence of phenomena pellets, molar or forms. "In other words a time common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of the possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine, 2004:101). With this expression reveals the problem of the method by which we communicate with nature: resonances. It is essential to understand that the development of the Theory of Cognitive Systems resonant we are proposing is a crucial step toward what Ilya Prigogine call the "new partnership" (Prigogine, 2004:112). The problem of the interface between man and nature could be saved through the development of Cognitive Systems resonant. One example that clearly demonstrates the possibility of links on the basis of resonances are: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). It is a magnetic field which overlaps another area of high frequency, that echoes the structure. The result is highly selective resonant fields depending on the type of coupling according to the frequency of a statistical. Spectral lines such as those obtained with the functions of Fuori.

1H NMR experiment. Experiment pulse acquisition

In these figures we can see that the resonance is very precise and selective. The resonant pulse is very specific. We can see clearly the resonance frequencies in nuclear spectra. In these graphs shows the graphic couplings.

Structural coupling in the brain. "The awareness may be the product of the interaction between the brain and the physical-material essential." In a publication of Alvaro Moreno and Xabier Barandiaran, University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain, it is possible to find very strong arguments on the functioning of the brain-based self-type tuned pulses at different scales to generate granular structures (patterns) . This allows us to continue with the idea firmly on the two types of dynamic micro and macro. "This talk of a micro dynamics of an emerging macro dynamic neuronal functional. The main consequence of this emerging cause is the difficulty of a localization strategy in the study of cognitive processes. " For these authors the Varela thesis on the importance of corporización as an interface with the sensory system is essential and it manifested in this way "Your corporización (Embodiment) and his" lie "(situatedness) makes the dynamics of SN also answer Interactive factors sensomotores arrived in cycles. " It seems that "Some of the neurons that make up the circuits of the CPG (central pattern generator) rhythmic impulses generated by themselves, these neurons are coupled together and with other neurons in the circuit, creating a stable pattern" (attractor). In theory we are developing is clear that the CPG and the merits of its operation is a clear demonstration of neurons connected through micro stable dynamic patterns that engage groups of neurons that express the effect of macro dynamic. This coupling occurs because of structural self resonances. "Several neuromodulators and activity of neurons adjacent to the CPG can cause changes in patterns, acting as selectors attractors according to the needs of the motor body." The excitability of a neuron can vary depending on their metabolic status. Can express different channels, can modulate the kinetics of each of these channels in a manner quite complex. "

Cognitive Systems resonant
"Today the entire world is very clear that the processes of biological and biochemical focus on the nature of the electromagnetic interaction that govern the outside of the atom." / conscience / texts / mesaredondaI_mayo2003.pdf The possibility of resonance in organic systems is due to the nature of the components. The different theories about the physical properties of the wave field have been tested and are not sufficient for analysis in this article. But I dare say that the resonances are not only a physical tool for understanding the phenomenon of cognition but also the emergence of how the cosmos (Rupert Sheldrake, Campos and Mórficos Resonances Mórficas). That is the emergency of the forms are the result of the resonant properties of matter / energy. "The way of communicating with the atoms is through electromagnetic radiation." We can not see directly the colors of sunlight, we need an intermediary to produce such decoding and re-encoding so that the organic system can capture. In these phenomena, it is clear the concept of resonance, in this sense Varela said when referring to the case of color (and other Varela ,1992:194-195) "objectivist this poses considerable problems, which serve to reinforce our argument that the colors that we are not located in a pre-given, but in a world perceived that emerges from our structural coupling " In the same way we talk resonance sound. In this way it is clear that the emerging world is not a pre-existing world andalusia observer, but emerge with him. There are properties in the systems that come into resonance quantum, these become a statistic and then to a macroscopic scale.

The body and the music: "The effect of resonance is when the guitar is tuned and put your finger on the piece off the sixth string is vibrating, the string vibrates one-fifth of the resonance effect, as the tone of the sixth string the fifth is my piece, which is the fifth note of the string. " (www.monografí When systems resonate diminish the resistance to its minimum value. In the case of fatigue cracks in materials is due to this effect in the frequency associated with the transfer of energy. This effect can cause the collapse of bridges, airplanes, and any piece subjected to mechanical vibrations. Breakage due to fatigue cracks are molecular vibration. Musical practice is one of the best mark the significance of structural coupling. Pelinski Ramon said "The objective of this test is to show how our human beings corporalizados is embedded in our practice and our current musical musical" The Music Experience is a body (brain-body) and preconceptual prerracional. However, there is a body which plays a decisive role in the production of musical meanings are open to natural and social environment. The music is not there in this world. The music depends on the structures of the corporality. The body is the interface that allows the emergence of music as a phenomenon. One thing is the music experience (perception: preconceptual and preracional) and another thing is the knowledge of music as a logical derivation. . We can make a study of music, and school-related Pythagorean. But the music is there as a possibility from a living body. The physical phenomenon resonates in the materiality of the body and emerges as meaning from the psychological. This resonance between the engine that produces music and meaning is produced through the corporality. This is the phenomenon of resonance Cognitive. "The self is immersed in music and the sound environment as perceived by the listener (or given to him)." Pelinski says Ramon. It is the "butterfly effect": a small imbalance that produces a flood of emotions. There is no proportion between the stimulus and response. This condition neurophysiological musical phenomenon that enables the body could have the same basis for the language. Operate as a condition of possibility. Since the perceptual phenomena are prelingüísticos, preconceptual and antepredicativo.

Some final thoughts: Some catastrophic behavior (in terms of Rene TOM) could be explained from the phenomenon of resonance. An event that generates a self-triggering and unexpected behavior. The system differs from the original balance and resonance Poincaré start running. Remember the story of Orson Wels on the War of the Worlds. It generated so much panic that several people committed suicide. What "resonated" in these people for the body to find a solution so far?. That resonates in the interior which is related to the organization. An organization with certain constraints associated with this story corporizadamente experienced by the individual. Enactuada. The Theory of Cognitive Resonances is optimistic in the sense that while the structures are formed in the tie-lived history, can also be modified by the agency's history. So it is possible to be educated in the subject. The rules resonate to the extent that they have formed part of the fabric existential, not only rational but imbued with emotions and feelings, tucked into the body, embodied. Science is the product of bodies with limits. No longer is the religion of the twentieth century.

As a final thesis: Biotic or prebiotic system settle a Complex System Biosemiótico through self-organizing and self-resonant Cognitive Systems structurally coupled to form a unit made up of complex variables Low-Energy-Communication Organization (ECO). It is a thesis Transdisciplinar own field of complex systems. It's easy to see that these three variables, which are themselves systems, operating in the Cognitive Complex System. In principle systems coupled to the emergence of a resonant system must have a certain energy-up material that makes up the structure. What emerges from the resonance between the systems depend on the organization as "systems of relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class," this will depend on the cognitive system in question (the kind and the specimen), there emerge different Umwelt giving meaning to Biosemiótica. Finally resonance manifests itself as a possibility of communication between structurally coupled systems "there is communication every time there is coordination on a domain behavioral structural coupling." (Varela, 2003: 130).

Conclusion Cognitive Systems resonant plan to develop a Quantum Theory of Cognition from the properties of systems coupled structurally. The idea of a reality independent of subjective experience seems diluted. The world emerges from the inter-action and the development of an epistemology to understand more clearly the full presence / awareness open corporización (Embodiment) and his "lie" (situatedness). With this theoretical development it is to somehow contribute to the development of an Epistemology of Cognitive Action. Skip the cognitive analysis of the neuron and the nerve system (SN), the body as a whole, while corporality. Returning to the example of the original concert. Each body is like an instrument. But it is a mistake to believe that all the instruments sound alike. Even of the same species. The history of the body affects every note, including the environment in which it sounds. To think that only the neuron involved in the cognitive process as it maintains the connection is to believe that a violin can sound with just the strings. Understand the particular experiences of bodies is essential to recognize the virtues of this proposal. While the nervous system plays a central role in the process of understanding the body, the environment and learning the history of each subject as a community of subjects are equally important.


CLARK, Andy. Estar ahí. Paidós. 1999. Barcelona
García Rolando . “El conocimiento en Construcción”. Gedisa. Barcelona. 2000
García Rolando. Sistemas Complejos, Gedisa, Barcelona. 2007
Kenneth J. Gergen en “Realidades y Relaciones” Aproximaciones a la construcción social. Paidós. 1994
Piaget Jean. Adaptación Vital y Psicología de la Inteligencia. Selección Orgánica y fenocopia. Edición siglo XXI. México. 1974.
Prigogine Ilya. Las Leyes del caos. Biblioteca del bolsillo. Criticas. Barcelona 2004
Samaja Juan – semiótica de la Ciencia- edición Inédita. Resistencia- 2006-
Varela, Francisco. Ética y Acción. 1991
Varela Francisco y otros. De Cuerpo presente. Gedisa. Barcelona. 1992
Varela Francisco y otro. El árbol del conocimiento. Lumen. Buenos Aires. 2003
Waistein Martín- Comunicación un Paradigma de la mente. JCE ediciones- Buenos aires. 2006

INTERNET SITES Blanco Martín, Carlos Javier:.
G:\Glosario de Carlos von der Becke - biosemiotica - biosemiosis - biosemiotics - biosemio.htm Hoffmeyer y Emmeche:
www. G:\INFOAMÉRICA - Jakob von Uexküll.htm
G:\Endosimbiosis serial - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.htm
(G:\Evolución y ambiente_ Sociedad_ Artículos_ LOS CIEGOS Y EL ELEFANTE_ Sandín Domínguez. entrevista a Lynn Margulis universidad de valencia* evolución de la vida en la tierra hacia la psicosfera Antonio machado carrillo
G:\Origen e Historia evolutiva de la vida UNNE.htm
G:\El Blog de Evolutionibus Archivos Endosimbiosis.htm Ricardo Guerrero Bases Biofisicas De La Comunicación-2005 de la biosfera a la psicosfera de la biosfera a la psicosfera ph d. Antonio Machado Carrillo profesor asociado de ecología Universidad de la Laguna – 5 de febrero de 2006- Tenerife España- constructivismo biológico cintas de moebio- El Constructivismo Biológico -¿Una alternativa al realismo? oscar garcía castro universidad de Barcelona. 2006 html: enterevista a lynn marguli: lynn Margulis«Darwin Era Lamarckista» Universitad De València l– nada tiene sentido sin no es visto a la luz de la evolución máximo sandin-19/04/05 Copyright 2003 Máximo Sandín. Alvaro Moreno1 and Xabier Barandiaran Una perspectiva naturalizada del concepto de información en el sistema nervioso. University of the Basque Country, Lotfi A. Zadeh . Psicothema, 1996. Vol. 8, nº 2, pp. 421-429 ISSN 0214 - 9915 CODEN PSOTEG 421 .Universidad de California. curso introductorio a la espectroscopia de RMN. Parte II Aspectos Experimentales- 2005.
Some final thoughts:

Some catastrophic behavior (in terms of Rene TOM) could be explained from the phenomenon of resonance. An event that generates a self-triggering and unexpected behavior. The system differs from the original balance and resonance Poincaré start running. Remember the story of Orson Wels on the War of the Worlds. It generated so much panic that several people committed suicide. What "resonated" in these people for the body to find a solution so far?. That resonates in the interior which is related to the organization. An organization with certain constraints associated with this story corporizadamente experienced by the individual. Enactuada. The Theory of Cognitive Resonances is optimistic in the sense that while the structures are formed in the tie-lived history, can also be modified by the agency's history. So it is possible to be educated in the subject. The rules resonate to the extent that they have formed part of the fabric existential, not only rational but imbued with emotions and feelings, tucked into the body, embodied. Science is the product of bodies with limits. No longer is the religion of the twentieth century.

As a final thesis:

Biotic or prebiotic system settle a Complex System Biosemiótico through self-organizing and self-resonant Cognitive Systems structurally coupled to form a unit made up of complex variables Low-Energy-Communication Organization (ECO). It is a thesis Transdisciplinar own field of complex systems. It's easy to see that these three variables, which are themselves systems, operating in the Cognitive Complex System. In principle systems coupled to the emergence of a resonant system must have a certain energy-up material that makes up the structure. What emerges from the resonance between the systems depend on the organization as "systems of relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class," this will depend on the cognitive system in question (the kind and the specimen), there emerge different Umwelt giving meaning to Biosemiótica. Finally resonance manifests itself as a possibility of communication between structurally coupled systems "there is communication every time there is coordination on a domain behavioral structural coupling." (Varela, 2003: 130).


Cognitive Systems resonant plan to develop a Quantum Theory of Cognition from the properties of systems coupled structurally. The idea of a reality independent of subjective experience seems diluted. The world emerges from the inter-action and the development of an epistemology to understand more clearly the full presence / awareness open corporización (Embodiment) and his "lie" (situatedness). With this theoretical development it is to somehow contribute to the development of an Epistemology of Cognitive Action. Skip the cognitive analysis of the neuron and the nerve system (SN), the body as a whole, while corporality. Returning to the example of the original concert. Each body is like an instrument. But it is a mistake to believe that all the instruments sound alike. Even of the same species. The history of the body affects every note, including the environment in which it sounds. To think that only the neuron involved in the cognitive process as it maintains the connection is to believe that a violin can sound with just the strings. Understand the particular experiences of bodies is essential to recognize the virtues of this proposal. While the nervous system plays a central role in the process of understanding the body, the environment and learning the history of each subject as a community of subjects are equally important.


CLARK, Andy. Estar ahí. Paidós. 1999. Barcelona
García Rolando . “El conocimiento en Construcción”. Gedisa. Barcelona. 2000
García Rolando. Sistemas Complejos, Gedisa, Barcelona. 2007
Kenneth J. Gergen en “Realidades y Relaciones” Aproximaciones a la construcción social. Paidós. 1994
Piaget Jean. Adaptación Vital y Psicología de la Inteligencia. Selección Orgánica y fenocopia. Edición siglo XXI. México. 1974.
Prigogine Ilya. Las Leyes del caos. Biblioteca del bolsillo. Criticas. Barcelona 2004
Samaja Juan – semiótica de la Ciencia- edición Inédita. Resistencia- 2006-
Varela, Francisco. Ética y Acción. 1991
Varela Francisco y otros. De Cuerpo presente. Gedisa. Barcelona. 1992
Varela Francisco y otro. El árbol del conocimiento. Lumen. Buenos Aires. 2003
Waistein Martín- Comunicación un Paradigma de la mente. JCE ediciones- Buenos aires. 2006

INTERNET SITES Blanco Martín, Carlos Javier:.
G:\Glosario de Carlos von der Becke - biosemiotica - biosemiosis - biosemiotics - biosemio.htm Hoffmeyer y Emmeche:
www. G:\INFOAMÉRICA - Jakob von Uexküll.htm
G:\Endosimbiosis serial - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.htm
(G:\Evolución y ambiente_ Sociedad_ Artículos_ LOS CIEGOS Y EL ELEFANTE_ Sandín Domínguez. entrevista a Lynn Margulis universidad de valencia* evolución de la vida en la tierra hacia la psicosfera Antonio machado carrillo
G:\Origen e Historia evolutiva de la vida UNNE.htm
G:\El Blog de Evolutionibus Archivos Endosimbiosis.htm Ricardo Guerrero Bases Biofisicas De La Comunicación-2005 de la biosfera a la psicosfera de la biosfera a la psicosfera ph d. Antonio Machado Carrillo profesor asociado de ecología Universidad de la Laguna – 5 de febrero de 2006- Tenerife España- constructivismo biológico cintas de moebio- El Constructivismo Biológico -¿Una alternativa al realismo? castrosinfotos2.pdf oscar garcía castro universidad de Barcelona. 2006 html: enterevista a lynn marguli: lynn Margulis«Darwin Era Lamarckista» Universitad De València l– nada tiene sentido sin no es visto a la luz de la evolución máximo sandin-19/04/05 Copyright 2003 Máximo Sandín. Alvaro Moreno1 and Xabier Barandiaran Una perspectiva naturalizada del concepto de información en el sistema nervioso. University of the Basque Country, Lotfi A. Zadeh . Psicothema, 1996. Vol. 8, nº 2, pp. 421-429 ISSN 0214 - 9915 CODEN PSOTEG 421 .Universidad de California. curso introductorio a la espectroscopia de RMN. Parte II Aspectos Experimentales- 2005.
Some concepts from the Theory of Roger Penrose Biosemiosis, holograms, biofotones, biofonones and qbits

"And a possible explanation of how the phenomenon occurs from the consciousness of quantum mechanics is used, not the metaphor of a computer with bits of silicon, but a quantum computer where there are no bit or a zero, but there are And a bit zero, which is directly related to the quantum theory. " Oscar Garcia Castro Castro without fotos2.pdf of the University of Barcelona analyzed aspects of consciousness biosemióticos .. Arises what is the threshold that requires a complex system to allow the establishment triad Pierce?. And raised in response to the cell. It is important to the publication of all the efforts being made by Roger Penrose on the theory of computational nature of the brain, based on the mathematical theorem of Gödel, and the principles of the laws of thermodynamics of Ilya Prigogine chaos. In this article, Oscar Garcia Castro, University of Barcelona manages to introduce the concept of perception from the physics of microtubulina or the cell cytoskeleton. Incorporates concepts biofotones and biofonones. Spoke of the consistency of water and the same order as a vital requirement in this process. Described as a paramecio (living organization) to detect their food (energy) for temperature gradients (information). Roger Penrose's theory allows encourage favorable to a theory of knowledge whose bridge systems are in bio-physical type resonant. "The paramecio is a single-celled organism, which has no nervous system. Sherrington as described without trace of nerves, but the cell structure, the cytoskeleton, can be used to fulfill the duties. The paramecio learns to avoid obstacles, to breed, find food, etc., etc.. Without neurons, learn. " www.humanas.

Open Systems (thermodynamic) and closed (self)

Open systems, are such as physical structures (eg the body) is to say that an open system (body) who is exchanged by its edges: energy, information and materials. However, there is something that does not change, that remains constant in each type or species biotic or prebiotic is your organization (psquis). Francisco Varela (Varela and another, 2003:28) puts it this way: "It was meant by that organization to relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class. Means something to the structure of components and relationships that are specifically doing a particular organization "(eg the nervous system).

Levels, stratums and hierarchies. (Piaget and Simon)

Termodinámicos open systems capable of self and self-regulation, such as those derived from the carbon chemistry have not had a linear history. The systems are very sensitive to the contour, as expressed Prigogine "A remarkable property of these junctions is its sensitivity, the fact that small variations in the type of system will lead to the preferred choice of the two branches (Theory the fork). " (Prigogine: 2004:30). Unicellular to multicellular level there is another level. According to Rolando Garcia developments levels can be explained by two hypotheses Piaget (Garcia, 2000:78). Point a) refers to the stability of the structure within a fuzzy logic. This is a consolidated level, stabilized. Point b) refers to the disruption or instability of the structure that leads to changes in species. It may be the emergence of a new level of organization. To a certain level, other levels act as boundary conditions. The degree of solidarity of the entire ontogénica increases with the depth of the level. According to the Simon Herber respond to biological principles stratification type hierarchical systems: cells, tissues, organs, systems, etc.. Rolando Garcia, however, argues that this position is wrong and what is not appropriate to treat living systems as Chinese boxes, but in complex levels of interaction. Incarnated as a whole, corporizada. "In contrast (with the theory of hierarchy), Philip Anderson wrote in 1972 in an article entitled" more is different "(Grace, 2000:74). The hypothesis that we have been working on the evolution of prebiotic and biotic systems on the basis of structural links is entirely appropriate.

The problem of coupling structures

"What is needed, said Dirac, is a unified theory that combines large scale to small scale." As leaves raised (Prigogine, 2004:100) "The problem is how the world is divided between equipment explainable ... .. or we can talk and the quantum of which we can not talk? How many electrons, atoms or molecules forming a device. " Prigogine is obvious that the problem is introduced in a matter of scale. Unable to deal with the same logic macro and micro. "The transition from quantum to classical dynamic our world is through programs unstable, and thus called Bhor language is actually a common time" (Prigogine, 2004:101). Prigogine noting that we can be closer to what he calls "This demand is evident on a human scale" (Prigogine, 2004:101). It is the human scale which makes the need to understand the peculiarities of the emergence of phenomena pellets, molar or forms. "In other words a time common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of the possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine, 2004:101). With this expression reveals the problem of the method by which we communicate with nature: resonances. It is essential to understand that the development of the Theory of Cognitive Systems resonant we are proposing is a crucial step toward what Ilya Prigogine call the "new partnership" (Prigogine, 2004:112). The problem of the interface between man and nature could be saved through the development of Cognitive Systems resonant. One example that clearly demonstrates the possibility of links on the basis of resonances are: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). It is a magnetic field which overlaps another area of high frequency, that echoes the structure. The result is highly selective resonant fields depending on the type of coupling according to the frequency of a statistical. Spectral lines such as those obtained with the functions of Fuori.

1H NMR experiment. Experiment pulse acquisition

In these figures we can see that the resonance is very precise and selective. The resonant pulse is very specific. We can see clearly the resonance frequencies in nuclear spectra. In these graphs shows the graphic couplings.

Structural coupling in the brain.

"The awareness may be the product of the interaction between the brain and the physical-material essential." In a publication of Alvaro Moreno and Xabier Barandiaran, University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain, it is possible to find very strong arguments on the functioning of the brain-based self-type tuned pulses at different scales to generate granular structures (patterns) . This allows us to continue with the idea firmly on the two types of dynamic micro and macro. "This talk of a micro dynamics of an emerging macro dynamic neuronal functional. The main consequence of this emerging cause is the difficulty of a localization strategy in the study of cognitive processes. " For these authors the Varela thesis on the importance of corporización as an interface with the sensory system is essential and it manifested in this way "Your corporización (Embodiment) and his" lie "(situatedness) makes the dynamics of SN also answer Interactive factors sensomotores arrived in cycles. " It seems that "Some of the neurons that make up the circuits of the CPG (central pattern generator) rhythmic impulses generated by themselves, these neurons are coupled together and with other neurons in the circuit, creating a stable pattern" (attractor). In theory we are developing is clear that the CPG and the merits of its operation is a clear demonstration of neurons connected through micro stable dynamic patterns that engage groups of neurons that express the effect of macro dynamic. This coupling occurs because of structural self resonances. "Several neuromodulators and activity of neurons adjacent to the CPG can cause changes in patterns, acting as selectors attractors according to the needs of the motor body." The excitability of a neuron can vary depending on their metabolic status. Can express different channels, can modulate the kinetics of each of these channels in a manner quite complex. "

Cognitive Systems resonant

"Today the entire world is very clear that the processes of biological and biochemical focus on the nature of the electromagnetic interaction that govern the outside of the atom." / conscience / texts / mesaredondaI_mayo2003.pdf The possibility of resonance in organic systems is due to the nature of the components. The different theories about the physical properties of the wave field have been tested and are not sufficient for analysis in this article. But I dare say that the resonances are not only a physical tool for understanding the phenomenon of cognition but also the emergence of how the cosmos (Rupert Sheldrake, Campos and Mórficos Resonances Mórficas). That is the emergency of the forms are the result of the resonant properties of matter / energy. "The way of communicating with the atoms is through electromagnetic radiation." We can not see directly the colors of sunlight, we need an intermediary to produce such decoding and re-encoding so that the organic system can capture. In these phenomena, it is clear the concept of resonance, in this sense Varela said when referring to the case of color (and other Varela ,1992:194-195) "objectivist this poses considerable problems, which serve to reinforce our argument that the colors that we are not located in a pre-given, but in a world perceived that emerges from our structural coupling " In the same way we talk resonance sound. In this way it is clear that the emerging world is not a pre-existing world andalusia observer, but emerge with him. There are properties in the systems that come into resonance quantum, these become a statistic and then to a macroscopic scale.

The body and the music:

"The effect of resonance is when the guitar is tuned and put your finger on the piece off the sixth string is vibrating, the string vibrates one-fifth of the resonance effect, as the tone of the sixth string the fifth is my piece, which is the fifth note of the string. " (www.monografí When systems resonate diminish the resistance to its minimum value. In the case of fatigue cracks in materials is due to this effect in the frequency associated with the transfer of energy. This effect can cause the collapse of bridges, airplanes, and any piece subjected to mechanical vibrations. Breakage due to fatigue cracks are molecular vibration. Musical practice is one of the best mark the significance of structural coupling. Pelinski Ramon said "The objective of this test is to show how our human beings corporalizados is embedded in our practice and our current musical musical" The Music Experience is a body (brain-body) and preconceptual prerracional. However, there is a body which plays a decisive role in the production of musical meanings are open to natural and social environment. The music is not there in this world. The music depends on the structures of the corporality. The body is the interface that allows the emergence of music as a phenomenon. One thing is the music experience (perception: preconceptual and preracional) and another thing is the knowledge of music as a logical derivation. . We can make a study of music, and school-related Pythagorean. But the music is there as a possibility from a living body. The physical phenomenon resonates in the materiality of the body and emerges as meaning from the psychological. This resonance between the engine that produces music and meaning is produced through the corporality. This is the phenomenon of resonance Cognitive. "The self is immersed in music and the sound environment as perceived by the listener (or given to him)." Pelinski says Ramon. It is the "butterfly effect": a small imbalance that produces a flood of emotions. There is no proportion between the stimulus and response. This condition neurophysiological musical phenomenon that enables the body could have the same basis for the language. Operate as a condition of possibility. Since the perceptual phenomena are prelingüísticos, preconceptual and antepredicativo.
The sign as a process and function.

The sign as a process that allows the semiosis is part of the fundamental condition of the regulatory process of the whole. The sign consists of the third is in the community. This third party must be construed as closing the transaction semantics of the body. The closure operational infinite present or in the immediate relapse occurs at the level of regulation of the entire community. The entire governing party. We need clearly stated that this is the level of organization of the body.

The sign is a system consisting of three variables. Energy, communication and organization. According to the submissions Prigogine:

Emerging Level (macro)

Molecular Level (micro)


Map Expressión Sign Function Map of Content

The molecular level is the interaction between subject and object, from the properties of these is the statistical and self patterns due to Resonances Quánticas cognitivo. Then there is the structural link to the organization. That raised not reflected the evolving nature of the sign. It is unclear as to reach significant meaning. That is generated as interpreting. This requires talking about the semiotic tools. The instruments allow the semiotic sign is going to be in the formative history of the subject. A single object can be an instrument of semiotic different meanings depending on interpreting the action. The effectiveness of the action is what makes the idea of forming a sign structure. In this sense there are some basic conditions: The chances of the kind of cognition and membership of a particular community center. The possibilities of cognition of the species act as hardware and culture from the EU membership of a particular act as core software, then the body as the site of conflicts in the interface nature guide who will nurture the formation of structures to meanings From corporality located.

Map of the expression MICROSYSTEMS

Function sign Structural coupling RESONANCIAS

Map of content MACROSISTEMAS


SUBSTANCES IN THE SYSTEM that resonates subject-object

Production level of effective action - Resonance pattern



Properties of substances that resonates in the subject-object SYSTEM

DOMAIN OF VALIDITY OF RULE. Comparison with other patterns resonant





"At present, two areas that have most influenced the academic community are physical models of reality: the quantum-mechanical theory and neurobiology.

The boundaries and fuzzy logic Zadeh said that to explain the phenomena of complex systems through mathematical models, it is necessary to incorporate an approach that takes into account the "blurring of the boundaries. The boundaries do not reflect well demarcated lines but areas, regions of transition. The development of a mathematical respond to changes in terms of fractures, with significant discontinuities, it is necessary to develop knowledge in the Epistemology of Action based on Cognitive Cognitive Resonances Cuánticas. The fuzzy logic introduces uncertainty in its expression. Zadeh (Psicothema 1996. Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 421-429) said, at the University of California, the blur is inherent to the process of knowledge. Knowledge is produced by granulation. Granulation is the process of forming classes and fuzzy response to the limited capacity to store details. From this point of view blur and granulation are consequences of the Quantum Resonance Cognitive and plays a key role in the tolerance for inaccuracy. This mathematical tool will be of vital importance for the development of models that attempt to address the understanding of complex systems (Garcia: 2006), including Complex Cognitive (Garcia 2000). It goes without saying that "the difference between a regular and processor is the brain's ability to process information that blurred." (Zadeh, 1996)

The contribution of Prigogine

The chaos has some laws that are important to keep in mind, such as historical or what Prigogine (Prigogine. 2004:16) called the "arrow of time." The irreversibility of the phenomena that occur in a thermodynamic system. Remember that human societies are thermodynamic systems. Prigogine said "... the notion of chaos requires us to rethink the notion of` laws of nature "(Prigogine. 2004:13). It is necessary to take into account the irreversibility of physical phenomena. "... But what I would like to stress here is the role of chaos at all levels of description of nature, whether the microscopic level, macroscopic or cosmological (Prigogine. 2004:13). "The chaos is the result of instability" (Prigogine. 2004:14).
The concept of irreversibility is essential in biology and in thermodynamics.
To develop an Action Epistemology of Cognitive Systems based on Quantum resonant ideas must be developed which contain the notion of event. The notion of event was removed from the traditional modern science. Because the incident was not a repeatable phenomenon. Status of fundamental science. However, Prigogine argues that events like the birth of the universe or the birth of life are key events in history.
Another idea is to develop a system or structure Dissipative not balance. A system of non-equilibrium is sensitive to their environment and interacting with it, are structures "live" as opposed to the crystal structures that are "dead" and not dissipate energy. Prigogine later said "... I usually say that the material in the balance is blind" (Prigogine. 2004:28). It is the state of equilibrium which is not able to generate new events and new organizations.
Taking a closed system, asylee, this system will eventually reach equilibrium. But if you open the system and allowed to enter streams of energy and matter, the situation changed radically. "By hand, on a macroscopic scale, irreversible phenomena occur, heat flows, chemical reactions that lead to new spatial structures are impossible to perform on the balance, on the other hand molecular chaos (which is not the same as dynamic chaos) is organizes and leads to breakdowns in temporal and spatial symmetries (Prigogine. 2004:28). For example chiral molecules that gave rise to the emergence of life. Another important idea to consider in the development of this epistemology is the point of bifurcation or fork. "The existence of a bifurcation is a historical evolution of the system" (Prigogine. 2004:30). Recall Pasteur said that "life as we are presented is a function of the asymmetry of the universe and a consequence of that fact" (Prigogine. 2004:32-33). Pasteur for the difference between crystals levógiros and dextrógiros was essential to understand the phenomenon of life.
Another important manifestation of non-equilibrium structures of junctions and fuzzy math related structures are associated with Turing. In these structures can be seen very clearly the importance of initial conditions or conditions of possibility.
Finally we want to finish adding the claims Prigogine. "In all these cases we see that the arrow of time is creating structures, we can only speak of the system in non-equilibrium situations. Without long-range correlations due to non-life balance and would not have to fortiri, brain (Prigogine. 2004:36). Prigogine poses Laws chaos in the need for an epistemological development to solve the paradox of time. That is to recognize the creative and constructive irreversible dynamical systems, the proposal of Nobel science prize in 1977 is related to the resonances. Critics Laws of Physics reversible Bhor including classical, Eisntein, Feynman and Hawking and others rescued and Boltzmann's theories related to the second law of thermodynamics. This will be worth the apparatus developed by mathematician Poincaré resonances and respect for differences "Delete divergent Poincaré is an essential step in the revolution of the paradox of time" (Prigogine. 2004:76).
The epistemological problem is the fundamental problem of the interface between mind and matter, that is, how can the communication between man and nature? "In other words, while a common man and nature is established through the resonances. This is the condition of a possibility of communicating with nature "(Prigogine. 2004:101). We argue that such communication is made possible through the Cognitive Cuánticas resonance.
The development of an epistemology that reconceptualice the laws of classical dynamics, which eliminates the reverse concept of time and include ideas related irreversible dynamic structures is essential for the development of a science that integrates the physical birth of the universe, the life of the mind (broadly Umwelt), knowledge (in the broad sense) and of conscience. Prigogine said: "The constructive nature of irreversible dynamic dissipative systems provide the framework to explain the epistemic evolution, relative truth, take the body as lived knowledge, desire as part of science, the arts as an expression of knowledge and biology in construction and permanent change. " Prigogine's contribution to the understanding of the complexity is crucial, his theory suggests a bridge (biophysics), allowing the emergence of explanatory models of Cognitive Complex (García.2006). Indeed, the experiment of Bose-Eisntein that deserved Novel Prize in Physics in 2002 and models of Roger Penrose, author of The Emperor's New Mind, who works in a physical model to explain consciousness from a physical model -mathematical-psychological consequences of these theories are: the chaos theory.
Third proposal: express a dialectical theory of the sign.

The most basic features that can articulate a concept of dialectics (as re-German philosophy with the contributions of Kant, Fichte, Humboldt, Hegel, Marx, Dilthey, Bertalanffy, Habermas, Gadamer, Apel, etc..) Expressed two inseparable concepts: 1. organismic conception, and 2. historical dialectical conception. Organismic conception develops the concept of "agency" (or "full relational regulated") as a synthesis between the permanence of the substance (or subsistence), and the change of change caulsaes. The notion of body as a synthesis between the substance and the relations or relativism, between the substance / accident and the cause / effect. The category of "body" is determined by entities such as the assertion that achieve real and its inherent stability through the ceaseless change. By the imbalance and the continuing transformation of both their constituents and their structural forms. Piaget, in the tradition of the body Bertalanffy called "closed systems in terms of cycles, but open in the middle." Historical dialectical conception of history develops the concept of training or practice as a historical summary of the new production and reproduction of the same and, by recognizing the contradictions and conflicts that arise from the proliferation of reproductive currently effective against validity of the limits placed by the boundary conditions of the given, and the transition to new forms of partnership or reconfiguration productive. The mechanism that defines the transformation of production driven by the performance (= performances) is described by the reproductive category of solidarity and Aufhebung the immediacy of return. Both concepts applied to the analysis of the sign, the following conclusions:

1. Semiotic process could not be conceived or only as a substance or only as a form, but also and primarily as a historical evolution, ie a substance that has come into existence and is relatively stable with a flow incessant changes over which they form and transform relations between its components, leading to complex structural and functional hierarchies that define each time, their actions (performance: tokens); jurisdiction (destination: types) and their reproductive cycles (ie, its canonical narrative or method of production / reproduction).

2. The theory of the sign in its original wording (such as those of Peirce and F. de Saussure) only focused elements of the structure of the performance (= surface structure: represent / object / interpreting), and was added without an explicit rationale, other elements of the deep structure (of the competition and the production / reproduction), a dialectic of the sign makers have to add to its analytical dimension triadic (or performance), a dynamic dimension, also triadic (competition, referring to the classification of the signifier, the meaning and purpose of the classification competition Intérprete to associate some sort of expression with some other kind of content) and, finally, a dimension of epigenetic mark, also triadic (or history of the mode of production / playback).

3. The last of the substrate is semiotic processes, then, as all historical and operational training or as a mode of being Narrative, and thus hermeneutic, and involves not only a semiotic interpretation of man but of all reality, designed as a material universe-causal-representational.

A first formal display device that shows the basic components of semiosis are a total of nine. But this amount does not invalidate the traditional argument about the nature of the triadic sign, but it reaffirms once the systematising enriches this structure as the product of two axes or dimensions: a static dimension, a dimension and a dynamic dimension epigenetics. The following chart shows the results of this new organization and categorization. :




Reproduction S / Code TREASURY Production and playback. Culture or ideology
Logic function of the ENTIRE CONTENTS
Enactivo knowledge or cognitive effective action.

The action is the result of learning a set of transactions that occur between the body and the environment. This action depends on the overall state of the system. Of the many stimuli in the environment, the body is coupled with structural strength to those who are more unbalanced. This is not the only environmental or external, depends on the internal state of the particular system. The same atmosphere (as niche) influence in different ways in the body present. Hunger, thirst, sex, among others, allow the emergence of the self and self-regulation in the body that carried the body to effectively a new state of equilibrium. The development activities will depend on the possibilities inherent to the species: if a paramecio, a gibbon or a human being. The actions are linked to cognitive actions and the actions perceptual motor perceptually guided. Taking the idea that knowledge builds on Francisco Varela enactivo, we'll see what he proposes as "embodied knowledge." (Francisco Varela, 1991:18)

1 - cognition depends on the type of experience that comes from having a body with multiple sensory-motor skills and
2 - sensory-motor skills these individuals are housed in turn in a larger cultural and biological

Francisco Varela in the book "This Body, (Gedisa, 1992:203) says" ... no enactivo The approach seeks to determine how it recovers a world independent of the recipient but to determine the common principles of legal linkage between the sensory and motor systems that explain how action can be perceptually guided in a world dependent on the beneficiary, "this sentence will be crucial for developing the theory of Quantum Resonance Theory of Cognitive we are developing. The approach enactivo reminds us of the beautiful Machado phrase "no walking paths, is the way to go." "The emergence of cognition is a world history through a viable structural coupling" (Varela, 1992:238) for each species: epigenesis. Later Varela says the condition of feasibility about the ontogeny and phylogeny. Francisco Varela's approach seems to be related body and knowledge of life and hence knowledge. It seems appropriate at this time to recover the contributions of Piaget (Piaget, 1979:91) to the problem we are proposing. The author argues that knowledge is directly related to the body and this in turn is consistent with the development of epigenetic system, ie the different cognitive levels of intracellular, intercellular, tissues, organs, as already ahead Juan Samaja above. . We must recognize that in this work Piaget produces a valuable contribution to recognize the existence of somatic levels of integration and communication between them. It also argues that the changes that produce the variations are the result of changes in the deepest levels. This creates the pattern of the standards of the most profound and communication systems with the other levels. The problem of the mind In the book of Dr. Martin Wainstein (Wainstein, 2006:94) Bateson produces quite a junction with the concepts previously worked in body hierarchical levels, subsystems, which tend to maintain a balance self. It is clear that the concept of mind Bateson looks like the concept of Umwelt von Uexküll. It is the embodied mind. Corporizada mind. Also the contribution of Kenneth J. Gergen (K. Gergen, 1994:212) says:

... .. The whole experience is a mental condition ... ... ..

"A complex system is a representation of a cut of that reality, conceptualized as an organized whole (hence the name system), in which the elements are not separable," and therefore can not be studied in isolation "

What is the appropriate methodology for the study of complex cognitive system?

Rolando Garcia argues (Garcia, 2000.40) "will use the term" complex cognitive "to refer to the whole set of all components of this highly heterogeneous. Garcia (Garcia, 2007.21) defines a complex system:
We began to see that the problem of knowledge is not possible to separate mind-body experience. This conclusion Garcia "and therefore can not be studied in isolation" We clarified that it is not possible to study the phenomenology of the body structure in isolation, nor those of the physical phenomena which links the structures extrinsic / intrinsic. We interpret our original thesis about the unity of complex minimum-energy-Communication Organization in cognitive systems, they constitute a complex system.

"A complex system is a representation of a cut of that reality, conceptualized as an organized whole (hence the name system), in which the elements are not separable," and therefore can not be studied in isolation "

Is there a relationship between self systems, and self-Systems?
Garcia Systems for Complex systems are self and self. From the perspective of the school in Brussels and the Organized Chaos Theory, we can recognize self systems in chemical systems and the sensitivity of such systems to initial conditions, developed on the laws of deterministic chaos, and valid for open systems away from the equilibrium conditions. Chaos Theory Generalized deepens its concepts leading to systems prebiotics-biotic and social. We can also observe certain forms of self-Euclidean not like the weather or catastrophic events. Here is an important contribution in developing the theory of catastrophes Rene Thom and mathematics of fractal morphic resonance Rupert Sheldrake. In this regard, the methodology of the Complex Systems acquires strategic importance in the study of complex cognitive from the perspective of self and self systems as open systems away from thermodynamic equilibrium. In this sense the removal of entropy (negentropia) means the contribution of order. The order could autogenerarse from certain properties of systems based on quantum resonances.


Throughout the work we have built on the idea of evolutionary feature semiosis. But it has not yet been reflected what would be the model that should take the sign to reflect this situation. Since the various proposals only reveal the status of the sign at the time of stability. To do this, if we take the view Carlos Cossio. Or Saussure, Pierce, and so on. we will see in the list but only three elements to improve this assessment is necessary to the thought of John Samaja. But Juan Samaja produced a new model in the form of the sign reveals its evolutionary status. I think this deserves special attention because it puts us in front of a model that fits with what we have had previously. Ayudémonos with an image that takes into account some of the key levels of integration that we can imagine the reality as we present:

Civil Society

Society Policy (State)


Cultural Community



The diagram is trying to say that the higher levels (metaphorically speaking) are erected on the lower. At the same time, attempts to express the idea that the level never further depletes the bottom (of the floods there side). If the calls are lower levels earlier in time and are, somehow, the last of the above, reveals that two-way effect the past is still present: 1. because not all the lower level is captured and colonized by the superior and 2. because what is subsumed, it is not annihilated, as preserved and remains active within the level of integration that subsumes. We can say that the "debt to the past" is far from a "debt" with dead people. Returning for a few seconds to the issues that we try to talk about food. If protozoa are the subjects of previous levels of integration to metazoa, then, is still easy to recognize that protozoa in the world and who are our contemporaries. And to top it! It is also true that the mass of living protozoa is across the Earth, most important (quantitatively speaking) that the mass metazoa. Furthermore, our cells, which make up our tissues and organs that are removed are protozoa, preserved and passed on our body), which means that remain protozoa, but, as determined by its membership gives you a whole Now, its higher standard of existence. In a chart could look like this:

copresentes (Constituent)
Bacteria (protozarios) that are outside the rectangle of metazoa are, so to speak, in a relationship with the co-presence metazoa. But cells (also protozoa) that are within the rectangle, forming a constituent part of the metazoa: are "cells" and are subject certain regulated by their integration into all organismic. Well, just as there are living outside the unicellular organism (co) and cells that are part of it (constituents), there were insights of science and insights into science, there were traditions of science and traditions that are part it, there are metaphysical outside (and against) the science and metaphysics in science. This statement can be displayed in the diagram above as follows:
Sociedad Civil Investigación
(eficacia) científica

Sociedad Política (Estado) Científica

Comunidad Cultural Tradiciones
(tradición oral) científicas

Bio-Comunidad imitaciones
(percepción/mímesis) científicas

Organismos intuiciones (percepción) científicas
This chart allows us to "see" the sign of which way is the product of evolution and this allows us to talk about as Semiotic evolutionary process. It is important to note that the process occurs Semiotic with the clear objective of conduct to guide the action from the body and located lived. Knowledge is "enactivo. However, I can take another contribution of Juan Samaja which immediately shows the process of semiotic.