lunes, 19 de enero de 2009

Some final thoughts:

Some catastrophic behavior (in terms of Rene TOM) could be explained from the phenomenon of resonance. An event that generates a self-triggering and unexpected behavior. The system differs from the original balance and resonance Poincaré start running. Remember the story of Orson Wels on the War of the Worlds. It generated so much panic that several people committed suicide. What "resonated" in these people for the body to find a solution so far?. That resonates in the interior which is related to the organization. An organization with certain constraints associated with this story corporizadamente experienced by the individual. Enactuada. The Theory of Cognitive Resonances is optimistic in the sense that while the structures are formed in the tie-lived history, can also be modified by the agency's history. So it is possible to be educated in the subject. The rules resonate to the extent that they have formed part of the fabric existential, not only rational but imbued with emotions and feelings, tucked into the body, embodied. Science is the product of bodies with limits. No longer is the religion of the twentieth century.

As a final thesis:

Biotic or prebiotic system settle a Complex System Biosemiótico through self-organizing and self-resonant Cognitive Systems structurally coupled to form a unit made up of complex variables Low-Energy-Communication Organization (ECO). It is a thesis Transdisciplinar own field of complex systems. It's easy to see that these three variables, which are themselves systems, operating in the Cognitive Complex System. In principle systems coupled to the emergence of a resonant system must have a certain energy-up material that makes up the structure. What emerges from the resonance between the systems depend on the organization as "systems of relations between the components must be something to be recognized as a member of a specific class," this will depend on the cognitive system in question (the kind and the specimen), there emerge different Umwelt giving meaning to Biosemiótica. Finally resonance manifests itself as a possibility of communication between structurally coupled systems "there is communication every time there is coordination on a domain behavioral structural coupling." (Varela, 2003: 130).


Cognitive Systems resonant plan to develop a Quantum Theory of Cognition from the properties of systems coupled structurally. The idea of a reality independent of subjective experience seems diluted. The world emerges from the inter-action and the development of an epistemology to understand more clearly the full presence / awareness open corporización (Embodiment) and his "lie" (situatedness). With this theoretical development it is to somehow contribute to the development of an Epistemology of Cognitive Action. Skip the cognitive analysis of the neuron and the nerve system (SN), the body as a whole, while corporality. Returning to the example of the original concert. Each body is like an instrument. But it is a mistake to believe that all the instruments sound alike. Even of the same species. The history of the body affects every note, including the environment in which it sounds. To think that only the neuron involved in the cognitive process as it maintains the connection is to believe that a violin can sound with just the strings. Understand the particular experiences of bodies is essential to recognize the virtues of this proposal. While the nervous system plays a central role in the process of understanding the body, the environment and learning the history of each subject as a community of subjects are equally important.


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